Closing Quote

Insurance Is Doing It Right

America’s largest workforce is also one of the most misunderstood. Labelled the “job-hopping” generation, millennials are sometimes cited for a low work ethic or high turnover rates. More generally, recruiting on behalf of any organization is a challenge, and can …

Helping Americans Bridge the Insurance Gap

Consumers seldom think about auto and homeowners insurance until the unthinkable happens and they need to file a claim. However, with increasing frequency, Mother Nature is bringing widespread devastation to the U.S. So far, this is proving to be another …

Is It Time to Start Planning for 2019?

Are you ready? 2019 is right around the corner. A new year is a good time to introduce change and new goals at your company, because it feels like a fresh start for employees. Regardless of what was accomplished in …

For True Disruption, Embrace Innovation

The auto insurance industry is in the midst of major disruption powered by technology and vibrant new players. Disruption gives way to fresh ideas that can have both profound and positive impacts on our lives and businesses. But, through the …

Congress Should Amend Definition of Private Flood

Historically, the surplus lines market has served as a supplement to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and standard market, but the passage of the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 caused some confusion in the lending industry regarding …

How Unemployment Insurance Can Help Nonprofits

As an insurance broker, you may have a special connection to your nonprofit clients. After all, these organizations undertake some of the most noble work in our society, serving those in need or advancing research that helps create a better …

When Small Business Needs Specialty Insurance

Small business used to be associated with small exposures — simple business risks addressed with simple insurance products. However, changing customer needs and expectations, technology advancements, new regulations and evolving legal environment issues have dramatically changed the way small business …

One Year Ago: Reflections on the 2017 Hurricane Season

It’s hard to believe but August brings us to the one-year anniversary of the watery nightmare that was Hurricane Harvey and the beginning of the remarkable 2017 hurricane season that also featured Hurricane Irma (marking the first ever U.S. landfall …

Build vs. Buy: Organic Growth in a Rising Rate Environment

Now that interest rates are rising again, it’s time to re-examine whether buying an insurance agency is the smart choice for growth or whether building an agency makes more sense. While lots of factors come into play when agents want …

Finding A Better Course to Navigate Disasters

Despite the last several hurricane seasons, not nearly enough has been done to improve our country’s resilience against future storms. As a nation, we continue to spend the vast majority of disaster aid on recovery, rather than preparing our communities …

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