Closing Quote

Choose customers and golf buddies wisely

I figure my life is about half over, Lord willing. The first half was nice. I missed the ‘Nam draft, yet was old enough to appreciate The Beatles and some truly original rock ‘n roll. Despite the dearth of, ahem, …

Putting Florida’s rate filing and reinsurance controversy in context

Currently underway in Florida is a controversy over the amount of private reinsurance homeowners insurers should purchase in addition to the now expanded $28 billion in reinsurance available from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. There seems to be a core …

Blanco, Donelon and business coalition deliver market reform laws

The 2007 legislative session in Louisiana resulted in three major pieces of legislation recently signed into law which will improve the ability of insurers to rate and underwrite homeowners insurance on a more competitive basis than ever before in the …

Insurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

You’ve just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major medical problem that your health insurance (if you have any) doesn’t fully cover. Or you’ve just gotten a divorce. These three life events account for 87 …

Insurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

You’ve just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major medical problem that your health insurance (if you have any) doesn’t fully cover. Or you’ve just gotten a divorce. These three life events account for 87 …

Insurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

You’ve just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major medical problem that your health insurance (if you have any) doesn’t fully cover. Or you’ve just gotten a divorce. These three life events account for 87 …

Insurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

You’ve just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major medical problem that your health insurance (if you have any) doesn’t fully cover. Or you’ve just gotten a divorce. These three life events account for 87 …

Insurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance

You’ve just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major medical problem that your health insurance (if you have any) doesn’t fully cover. Or you’ve just gotten a divorce. These three life events account for 87 …

The Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act

After decades of frustration and brutal disappointment, the vexing and seemingly intractable tax payment and regulatory compliance problems surplus lines brokers face on multi-state risks are about to be solved. The long awaited solution, benefiting consumers and brokers, will occur …

The tale of two states

For years the insurance industry has fought desperately to reduce or eliminate burdensome governmental regulation, insisting that competitive market forces will adequately regulate the industry. Deregulation has dominated the insurance public policy debate on both the state and federal levels. …

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