Closing Quote

Michigan shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision

We say that creating law is the right and responsibility of legislatures, not courts. However, in this case Michigan’s Supreme Court came up with a unique approach to controlling caseloads and prioritizing sick people over those with no symptoms, while …

Michigan Supreme Court shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision

Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look at the problems created by the consolidation of mass tort cases, like the asbestos and silica litigation. The Michigan Supreme Court provided the latest move toward restoring balance with …

Michigan shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision

Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look at the problems created by the consolidation of mass tort cases, like the asbestos and silica litigation. The Michigan Supreme Court provided the latest move toward restoring balance with …

Michigan Supreme Court shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision

Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look at the problems created by the consolidation of mass tort cases, like the asbestos and silica litigation. The Michigan Supreme Court provided the latest move toward restoring balance with …

Michigan Supreme Court shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision

Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look at the problems created by the consolidation of mass tort cases, such as asbestos and silica litigation. The Michigan Supreme Court provided the latest move toward restoring balance with …

Not telling consumers about risks may be an agent’s biggest risk

Every year, just before daylight savings time rolls around, I get a package in the mail with a 9-volt battery. The package is from my mortgage company, sending me a reminder to change the battery in my smoke detector. That …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

The marine market, although not immune to severe weather and other catastrophic occurrences, has not suffered to the extent of the mainline commercial property sector. A recent Wall Street Journal story proclaimed, “As Hurricane Season Begins, Disaster Insurance Runs Short.” …

When insuring international trade, expect the world

Shipments are delayed, damaged, lost or stolen around the globe with a frequency that is probably not surprising. What is surprising is how significantly the effects of those losses could be mitigated. Think how few things you and your clients …

Marine market responds to stressed catastrophic property coverage

The marine market, although not immune to severe weather and other catastrophic occurrences, has not suffered to the extent of the mainline commercial property sector. As such, industry players have sought to fill gaps in coverage by revising the solution …

N.J. auto restrictions: a troubling turn

You don’t need to conduct any kind of sophisticated market research in order to understand the effects of New Jersey’s 2003 auto insurance reform law. Just drive down the New Jersey Turnpike, where you can’t miss seeing billboards advertising national …

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