Closing Quote

The Road to Automated Vehicles Could Be Bumpy, Slow

Driving automation promises to greatly improve the safety of human mobility not only for occupants of motor vehicles but for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users. Current headlines, however, likely overestimate the speed with which this transformation will occur and …

Top Insurtech Predictions for 2018

Insurtech is often framed as a force of disruption in the insurance industry. But technology doesn’t disrupt the industry – it enhances the way carriers and customers interact. In 2018, I predict we will continue to see more carriers and …

What Story Will You Tell Over the Holidays?

The calendar has flipped to December and, for many, the dates are filling up with holiday parties, festive children’s school events, and gatherings with colleagues, family, and friends. What will your holiday chit chat include? I hope your holiday banter …

7 Major Pitfalls of High Net Worth Insurance Programs

Imagine designing a program of insurance that covers multiple homes in different states and countries, incorporates estate planning strategies, covers automobiles in multiple states, valuable global collections and personal liability lawsuits that may arise. Insurance programs designed for individuals with …

Rebating Laws Should Not Apply to Broker Fee Agreements

A negotiated retail broker agreement is a contract between a retail producer and an insuranace buyer whereby the parties agree to a total package of services for a fee that takes account of the broker’s commission compensation for procuring insurance …

Earthquakes, Floods Highlight Wide Insurance Protection Gap

Recent natural catastrophes in and around North America have shined new light on two natural perils not covered by traditional U.S. homeowners insurance policies: floods and earthquakes. Catastrophe modeling firms have estimated that the amount of economic losses associated with …

What Employees Really Want

In today’s increasingly competitive labor market, human capital is critical to business success. Organizations are only as strong as their employees. With this in mind, insurance organizations are focused on engaging and retaining top performers. These individuals are critical to …

Irreplaceable You

When you sell insurance policies like every other agency, how can you stand out from the competition? Be irreplaceable. It’s simpler than it sounds when you follow three rules. The first is counterintuitive; the second has nothing to do with …

WSIA: Past, Present and Future

The wholesale, specialty and surplus lines market is healthy and stable with a bright future. Proof of this can be found in recent quantitative analysis like A.M. Best’s 2017 Special Report on U.S. Surplus Lines, as well as observable evidence, …

Insurers Respond to Rising Claims Abuse

Whenever severe weather strikes and there is property damage, insurers are among the first responders to help throughout the recovery process. However, in too many cases, some shady contractors, public adjusters and lawyers seeking to prey on the misfortune of …

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