Closing Quote

How to Succeed in a Soft Insurance Market

It’s no secret that the insurance marketplace right now is extremely soft. The amount of capacity in the industry continues to rise as new entrants are coming into the market or existing carriers are either opening up their underwriting guidelines …

Do Cyber Underwriters Need Property Underwriting Training?

A single cyber event can create multiple exposures with potential effects on one or more of a company’s insurance policies. Cyber underwriters grappling with liability from such events would do well to learn from property underwriters who have a wealth …

The Promise of Insurtech

Disruptive technology is poised to shake up our industry. Following tectonic plate shifts in publishing, finance, investing, telecommunications, recorded music, information technology, retail, and even ride hailing services, insurance has been added to the queue. Disruption can be unsettling. While …

4 Takeaways for Agencies to Do in 4 Months

Where does the time go? Four months into 2017, here are four industry observations and four action items every insurance agency principal can take before the next four months pass. The Industry 1. Merger and acquisition activity and agency prices …

Surplus Lines Could Meet Your Insured’s Flood Coverage Needs

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been the topic of much debate in recent years, especially with the program set to expire on September 30. The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and is available to …

Closing Quote: 4 Regulatory Scenarios in 2017

This year has ushered in a wave of change that will drive disruption in the U.S. insurance industry. Following a prolonged period of low interest rates, yields on U.S. Treasuries are rising, and there are expectations of up to three …

The Year After Google Compare

Google’s entry into insurance lead generation and aggregation worried agents and carriers. Would Google disrupt the industry as they have so many other industries? Would they short circuit research-driven consumers by dominating the top results? The Google Compare concern was …

The Super Rich Become Key Targets in Cyber World

Twenty years ago, we locked our doors and windows and had a good level of confidence that our homes were safe. If a burglar wanted in, he had to stake out a home and physically break into windows and doors …

Could POTUS Battle Trigger More Discrimination Suits?

Regardless of one’s political leaning, the 2016 presidential election offered bold dialogue. Many criticized the president-elect for brash comments and a disregard for political correctness. If recent news reports are any indication, America could see a shift in terms of …

What’s Next for Your Agency Perpetuation Plan?

You’ve built a successful agency and are now starting to look ahead to retirement. What’s your exit plan? What do you need to start thinking about today as you plan for the transition of your business? The absence of a …

Closing Quote Archives by Month