Cover Story

The Road More or Less Traveled: Transportation Safety Defines the Journey

Transportation safety plays a huge part in just about everyone’s lives. There are rules for highways, rules for drivers, rules for kids, rules for railroads, and of course, more safety rules for the sky. Each regulation and safety recommendation could …

Back to the Basics

E&S Industry Returns to Familiar Ground Neither wind, nor rain nor the dark cloud of standard carriers returning to the marketplace will keep excess and surplus insurance writers from maintaining profitability. From coast-to-coast the E&S industry is going back to …

Commercial Property Market Survives Extraordinary and Ordinary Catastrophes

The commercial property market took a huge hit from four major hurricanes that struck the U.S. mainland this past year. The full effects may have yet to be felt, however, it looks like commercial property insurers came through in solid …

The Shake Down of 2004

This year will no doubt go down in insurance history as a year to remember. For the most part, the year slid by with minimal excitement … that was until the fall of 2004 when the industry was hit by …

Ill Winds Blow but the Ship Remains on Course

This year’s annual report on the reinsurance industry is a bit later than usual. It seems that beginning in August the voyage was interrupted by some serious storms, and it was hard to catch up to the boat as it …

Fruitful Season: Buyers Keep Picking Off Agencies

Insurance agencies continued to be picked off at a healthy clip throughout 2004 but experts believe buyers will still be hungry in the new year. Several reports indicate that 2004 announced deals should exceed the number of transactions in 2003. …

It’s a Wonderful Bank

Community banks have come a long way since Jimmy Stewart’s character struggled to keep the Bailey Building and Loan alive to support the residents in Bedford Falls in Frank Capra’s 1946 classic “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Insuring these institutions has …

The Hidden Power Behind the Massachusetts Makeover

If Massachusetts were to ever elect its insurance commissioner, Julianne Bowler would probably be the last person to run. Bowler, the current occupant of the appointed office in this very political state, is too modest, too private and too press-shy …

The Professional Liability Maelstrom

Service Providers at Risk As the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries turn from industrial-based to service-based economies, more and more people are engaged in providing services, and the more they provide, the more mistakes they make. Historically …

Small Businesses Struggle to Stay Afloat in Hawaii’s Tumultuous Workers’ Comp Market

The issues surrounding Hawaii’s workers’ compensation system have been a topic of debate for agents, brokers, politicians and small businesses over the past several months as reform attempts to fix the troubled system failed in the 2004 legislature. Hawaii’s workers’ …

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