Cover Story

NAPSLO Celebrates 30th Anniversary at Annual Conference

Doing business in a changing marketplace, coping with terrorism’s threats, state and federal legislation, and building relationships throughout the surplus lines industry were key topics discussed during the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) 30th anniversary conference in …

Surplus Line Carriers

First Responders Once upon a time, the excess and surplus line market was the safety valve of the insurance industry—the more lightly regulated, more financially shaky little brother to the admitted market. It was said to release the pressure on …

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco

Laying a Foundation for Long Term Success Being first is not a new thing to Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, who was sworn in on January 12, 2004 as the first female Governor of Louisiana. Twenty years earlier, at the beginning of …

A World of Opportunity Exists Under the Umbrella Market

While it’s hard to find many positives about today’s increasingly litigious environment, it has helped fuel the need for both personal and commercial umbrellas. “We’re seeing an increased demand for personal umbrellas,” said Michelle Kenney, a senior director of personal …

Right This Way! Hotels Make Room for Risk Management

In the months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. hospitality industry took a one-two punch. Travel and tourism plummeted as worried Americans canceled vacation plans and cautious businesses cut back on trips. Then, the economy sputtered, and insurance …

Kentucky Governor Fletcher Keeps Commonwealth in Stride

Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher (R) has had a busy last few weeks. Between weighing in on the AIK Comp Fund issue in the Commonwealth and seeing to it that residents get the help they need from storms that rumbled through …

Changing the Face of California’s Insurance Marketplace

IBA West’s O’Kane Reflects Back on 22-Year Tenure There are few people in the insurance industry that have truly made an impact on behalf of independent agents and brokers. Jerry O’Kane is one of those people. An innovative, strong and …

Karrie Webb Spins Cycle of Success

Australia may not be known in the United States as a hotbed for golf, but the country has not had a shortage of talented players over the years. One such person from Down Under who has made a name for …

Construction Defects Burning a Hole through the Residential Contractors Market

Whether real or imagined, the threat of construction defects litigation has burned through the residential contractors liability insurance market like a California wildfire. Over the past couple of years, contractors and their agents across the nation have been left to …

Florida Senator Bill Nelson Continues to Fly New Missions

Flying New Missions Bill Nelson As his bio notes, as a child Florida Senator Bill Nelson never imagined that one day he would both catapult into space from a NASA launch site just miles from his grandfather’s homestead and go …

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