Cover Story

Web Enables Agents to Cut Processing Time for Small Business Accounts

When the prospect of selling insurance over the Internet first reared its head, one of the initial impressions it left was that it posed a threat to independent insurance agents and brokers. Futurists proclaimed a new world where consumers would …

Revolution or Evolution’ The Internet Goes Mainstream

At last, the gap between potential and reality is shrinking as agents explore their online options. The insurance industry is notoriously reluctant to change. So it was little surprise that the Internet—a tool that has the power to introduce cost-saving …

The Ocean Marine Market: A Unique Animal

Like life itself, insurance began in the ocean, eventually spawning the various land-based descendants we’ve come to know. While those terrestrial variants-auto, homeowners, commercial liability, among others-now comprise our notion of what the industry is all about, their single ancestor, …

The Ocean Marine Market: A Unique Animal

Like life itself, insurance began in the ocean, eventually spawning like the varius land-based descendents we’ve come to know. While those terrestrial variants-auto, homeowners, commercial liability, among others-now comprise our notion of what the industry is all about, their single …

Commercial Auto Agents: Between a Rock and a Hard Market

The cyclical ups and downs of the multisegmented arena referred to collectively as commercial auto are nothing new. Though the years referred to as “soft” and “hard” vary in both length and intensity, the same can be said for virtually …

Building Profitability into the Commercial Auto Market

Like most property and casualty insurance lines, the commercial auto insurance market has witnessed rate increases over the past year and expects to see more. And, as in other lines, underwriters are scrutinizing accounts more closely than they have been …

E&S Lines Basking in the Warm Glow of a Hard Market

Early in 2000, insurance prices started doing something they had not done in almost 15 years. They began to increase, and they kept growing at a modest pace into the third quarter of 2001, when the events of September 11 …

E&S Lines Basking in the Warm Glow of a

Early in 2000, insurance prices started doing something they had not done in almost 15 years. They began to increase, and they kept growing at a modest pace into the third quarter of 2001, when the events of September 11 …

To Sell or Not to Sell: Bank-Owned Insurance Agencies My Be Wave of the Future

As far back as anyone now in the insurance business can remember, agents were fighting against allowing banks to sell insurance. That changed in 1996 when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that national banks selling insurance in small towns were …

To Sell or Not to Sell,Bank-Owned Insurance Agencies May Be Wave of the Future

As far back as anyone now in the insurance business can remember, agents were fighting against allowing banks to sell insurance. That changed in 1996 when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that national banks selling insurance in small towns were …

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