Cover Story

Agency Management Systems Evolve, Expand Opportunities for Agents

I’m amazed and astounded that in today’s marketplace there are still some holdouts out there that have no automation system whatsoever or are using automation systems, not necessarily complete agency management systems,” said Pam Parry, executive vice president at Golseth …

Will Reinsurance Rebound from Terrorist Strikes in the U.S.’

If the nautical term best applied to the reinsurance industry last year at this time would have been “steady as she goes,” after the catastrophe that struck the U.S. on Sept. 11, the French term “sauve qui peut” might better …

Are Fine Arts Floaters a Silver Lining in the Insurance Market Cloud?

Unlike many lines of insurance, the fine arts and collections market has so far managed to avoid the difficulties of a hardening environment. But is it robust enough to carry the industry through tough times? Maybe not, since the base …

True Loss from Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks on U.S. is Immeasurable, As Estimates of Potential Insured

“The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man’s dedication to world peace, his belief in cooperation of men and, through cooperation, his ability to find greatness.” —Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1987), chief architect of New York’s twin towers It can …

Unique Coverages, A Hard Market Look at How Programs Are Meeting Needs of Challenging Risks

Underwriting tough risks can be particularly troublesome in a hardening market. Where do you turn when rates skyrocket, exclusions multiply or worse, when carriers begin to shut their doors to classes that no longer promise profitability? One option to explore …

NAPSLO Retrospective: A Visit With Outgoing President John Latham

John Latham will soon step aside as National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) president making room for Tap Johnson, Jr. Before his exit, he agreed to spend a few minutes with Insurance Journal to review his term as …

Are Fine Arts Floaters A Silver Lining in the Insurance Market Cloud’

Unlike many lines of insurance, the fine arts and collections market has so far managed to avoid the difficulties of a hardening environment. But is it robust enough to carry the industry through tough times? Maybe not, since the base …

Fear of the Unknown: The Mold Issue Raises More Questions Than Answers, Part I

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part series dealing with the rising issue of toxic mold claims. These days, an Internet news search on the word “mold” will bring up numerous articles testifying to the fact that mold …

Hardening Market Heralds Rush to Alternatives

During the last hard market, much of corporate America wasted little time in stepping up the search for risk transfer alternatives to traditional commercial insurance. The current hard market appears to be no different if rates, premium growth and expanding …

Smaller Agencies Market Blueprint for Success

Making your mark “The State Farms and GEICOs have a tremendous amount of advertising behind them, and they have a brand name that perhaps the independent agents do not have,” said Allen Lawrence, CEO and chairman of the board of …

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