Cover Story

Brand Building Strategies

Mergers, consolidation and worldwide expansion greatly affect the way the insurance industry does business today. As boundaries collapse and markets change, there is a tool you can use to gain an edge over the competition. It’s a strategy that other …

Hospitality Coverages: Insuring a Safe Visit for Tourists and Owners Alike

Spending a night at a hotel or motel can seem like a simple thing to do for the tourist or business traveler, but who makes sure that guests will stay in a secure environment? That’s up to the hotel operators, …

Are High-Flying Hospitality Markets Headed for a Free-Fall’

If the hospitality market has firmed recently to, say, the consistency of crème brulée, will it necessarily become more like peanut brittle in the coming months? Who knows? But like many areas of today’s economy, including most insurance markets, the …

Auto Market Shrinks in New Jersey as Major Carriers Exit

First, State Farm Indemnity announced plans to leave New Jersey’s auto insurance market; then it was a subsidiary of American International Group noting similar intentions. Several other companies are now contemplating their future in the market in the Garden State. …

Homeowners, Insurance Industry Clash on Mold Issues

Homeowners turned out in force to testify and listen, and to applaud when they agreed with what they heard, at a June 26 Texas Department of Insurance (DOI) public hearing on issues related to toxic mold and insurance coverage. Speaker …

Earthquake Awareness: Not Just a California Thing Anymore

Residents in Oregon and Washington would probably be surprised to know that more than 1,000 earthquakes per year are recorded in the two states by the seismology lab at the University of Washington. The biggest reason for that surprise would …

Jury Sends Message to Insurance Industry in Toxic Mold Case

Travis County District Court jury to the insurance industry: take care of toxic mold claims adequately and promptly or risk being assessed millions of dollars. That warning came in the form of a $32-million award to a Dripping Springs family …

Coverages for Contractors: Only the Strong Survive as a Tough Market Gets Tougher

What’s the biggest problem area in the California insurance market these days?” When asked that question, most in the know would probably, without any hesitation, reply, “Workers’ comp.” But there are others who, with equal conviction, would say that right …

Agents Selling Financial Services, Three Texas Agents Discuss Success

During the last decade, the wall separating the worlds of banking and insurance has crashed down. Banks are buying insurance agencies. Banks are merging with insurance companies. The Independent Insurance Agents of America has even helped launch InsurBanc in three …

Coverage is Key as Boat Owners Hit the Waterways

More than 76 million Americans take to the water each year, according to figures released by the National Marine Manufacturers Association. And they spend more than $23 billion annually on marine products and services. While boating has always been a …

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