Cover Story

Tech Providers Are Scoping Out the Online MGA Market

Electronic communications between agents and carriers have received much attention over the years, as the struggle goes on for better technology, single entry of data and lower-cost delivery. But what if you’re a key player along the way between 200 …

How Agents Won On The Web

A century ago, agents found customers where they gathered—at church, their place of business or the local watering hole downtown. This marketing strategy still works today—only now many agents are going through cyberspace to reach potential clients. Insurance professionals across …

Coverage is Key as Texas Boat Owners Hit the Waterways

With summer just around the corner; nearby lakes and rivers are being overrun with boats and personal watercraft. The boating and watercraft business in the United States has grown into a major industry, and it shows no signs of slowing. …

Anxiety Over Foot-and-Mouth Creates Upswing in Coverage Inquiries

Parts of Europe continue to be ravaged by two devastating livestock diseases: foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), or hoof-and-mouth; and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as “mad cow” disease. In the United Kingdom alone, hundreds of thousands of animals have been …

Successful e-Marketing, Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Keep Customers Happy

Depending on how you felt about e-commerce before, current events in the tech world can inspire emotions ranging anywhere from despair to gloating. But before you decide that it’s perhaps a good time to stay away from the Internet altogether, …

Successful E-Marketing: Using Cutting-Edge Technology To Keep Customers Happy

Depending on how you felt about e-commerce before, current events in the tech world can inspire emotions ranging anywhere from despair to gloating. But before you decide that it’s perhaps a good time to stay away from the Internet altogether, …

Workers’ Comp Reform: Ten Years from Ground Zero

It’s been 10 years since legislation revamp the Texas workers’ comp system. Most insurers, regulators and legislators agree that the system has improved dramatically, but they also say there is still room for improvement. The big fix In 1987, the …


Three months into the new year, the picture for the California workers’ comp market is not pretty, and it’s likely to get worse. Developments in recent weeks-including lowered ratings, carrier losses, declining profits and the ongoing hunt for some kind …

DRAMA in the Nonstandard Arena: The NONSTANDARD AUTO MARKET gets ready for action that will include

The nonstandard auto market enjoyed above-average growth and profitability across the country through much of the 1990s. In fact, by the late ’90s, low entry barriers, including modest surplus levels required to support low-limit/short-tail policies, made the segment so attractive …

DRAMA in the Nonstandard Arena

The NONSTANDARD AUTO MARKET gets ready for action that will include increased RATES, risking LOSSES and overall market VOLATILITY. The nonstandard auto market enjoyed above-average growth and profitability across the country through much of the 1990s. In fact, by the …

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