Cover Story

When Your Insureds Remodel Their Homes, You Should Remodel Their Coverage

One in three American homeowners have recently remodeled their home or are planning to do so within the next year. That could make for a lot of financial risk exposure, according to a recent study commissioned by the Independent Insurance …

Marine Market in a State of Flux

For the past decade, the marine insurance market has been struggling to keep its head above water. And to make matters worse, premiums dropped 4.1 percent between 1998 and 1999-marking the third straight year of decline. Industry experts are blaming …

NAFTA Panel: U.S. in Violation of Treaty

On Feb. 6, a North American Free Trade Agreement arbitration panel upheld an interim ruling opening the United States border to Mexican trucks. Many in the insurance industry say they will cautiously review the changes the ruling will bring, while …

Commercial Auto: The Long Road Back to Profitability

The signs were there in 2000—and now it can safely be said that prices in the commercial auto industry are definitely firming. But how long it will take the industry to truly return to profitability is still hard to pinpoint. …

Crop Insurance: A State of the Industry Report

Last year was an eventful one for the crop insurance industry with a new farm package including modifications such as an $8 billion subsidy package and a $7.1 billion bailout for farmers hurt by depressed crop prices. It was also …

How Do You Plan to Use the Surplus Line Market in 2001′ Readers Respond

In the Sept. 4, 2000, issue of Insurance Journal we ran a one-page survey in hopes of finding out how you, our readers, plan on using the surplus line market in 2001. Four of the 32 respondents returned the form …

Managing The Risk From Climate Change

Whether it is the dry desert heat of El Paso or the humid sauna of Houston, people who grew up in Texas know that its summers are naturally hot. For people in Dallas, last summer was no exception. After 44 …

California Workers’ Comp: A Market on the Brink

Although they just squeaked past the January 1 crunch time, both carriers and buyers of workers’ compensation are having anything but a Happy New Year. Combined with the slipping economy, the crisis in the workers’ comp market could have drastic …

Welcome to our First Ever

The demarcation between years always seems to take on a contemplative aspect. We look back to where we’ve been, and then look forward to weigh our expectations. Will the market continue to harden? Will the dot-coms take our business? Will …


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