Cover Story

Property/Casualty Insurers Watch Profits Fly Out the Window

ISO, NAII Report First-Half Net Income for Insurers Plunged; Fitch Adopts Negative P/C Outlook It hasn’t gone to hell in a handbasket yet, but the outlook for the property and casualty industry is far from good. On Sept. 14, Fitch, …

Playing the Green: Insuring Golf Courses

It’s a well known fact in the insurance industry that we are also, in large part, the golf industry. Nine times out of 10, a golf tournament will accompany a convention. Want to raise money for charity? Sponsor a golf …

Garden Party

A healthy economy has put extra money in the pockets of millions of Americans, allowing them the luxury of everything green. Landscapers and arborists are among those with burgeoning business, providing a blossoming niche for commercial carriers. Landscape creation, maintenance …

Behind The Wheel: California’s Nonstandard Auto Market Tightens

With the fierce competition facing today’s nonstandard auto market, companies are pulling out all the stops in hopes of gaining market share. Some are employing different marketing and underwriting angles, while others are busy taking a completely different approach. “I …

Personal Auto Profits Plummet

As Losses Top 66 Percent Will Texas Soon Bench the Benchmark System? Personal auto losses increased last year in 35 of 51 markets across the country, making for an average pure loss ratio of 65.6 percent, the highest level since …

Agents and Brokers Need to Prepare for the ‘Brand’ New World

“[Branding] starts with a vision on the top and has to be extended across all points of touch… it isn’t something that’s just window dressing.” The concept of branding is about much more than names, logos and advertising campaigns. In …


“You put up these buildings. Even though no one has noticed anything wrong, no one has been injured, nothing has been damaged; by virtue of the fact that you put them up, there must be defects in them. Therefore we …

Oil & Gas: The State of the Industry

As oil and gas prices have increased over the last year, so has the oil production and exploration activity in Texas, the country’s largest producer. But the activity has somewhat lagged behind the increasing pace of prices because producers remain …

In the Underworld: Kidnapping, Hostage-Taking and Extortion On the Rise

Kidnapping, wrongful detention and all kinds of extortion demands are definitely on the rise. So says Diane Borden, AIG Europe Vice President and head of the crisis management unit at American International Underwriter’s Paris office. “It’s a growth industry throughout …

The Downfall of California’s Insurance Commissioner

The turbulent drama surrounding California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush reached a climax on June 28 with the Commissioner’s resignation from office. As the dust settles, IJ looks back at the major events leading up to his ultimate downfall. March 26, …

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