
S.C. controversy erupts over raising auto limits

A controversy has erupted in South Carolina due to Gov. Mark Sanford’s veto of legislation that would have increased auto insurance bodily injury liability limits from $15,000 to $25,000 for one person, and from $30,000 to $50,000 for all persons …

Mass. agents seek 4% auto pay raise

Massachusetts independent insurance agents have filed for a four percent hike in the commission they receive on private passenger auto insurance polices. If approved by Insurance Commissioner Julianne Bowler, the increase would mean a typical commission per policy of $126.19 …

Washington policyholders to share in Aon settlement

More than 9,500 insurance clients of Aon Corp. in Washington are qualified to share $2.4 million in restitution as part of an agreement signed by Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. Kreidler said the restitution is part of an agreement with the …

City hall suits

The cost to New York City of settling legal claims against it has more than doubled since 1995, reaching more than $575 million in 2005, according to the New York City Independent Budget Office. Personal injury claims against the city …

Three insurers sue to recover claims paid in ’02 wildfire

Three insurance companies filed a federal lawsuit to recover $7.04 million in claims paid for homes damaged or destroyed in the 2002 Hayman Fire in Colorado. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Inc., three Hartford insurance entities, and Allstate Insurance …

The virtual, global economy challenges, humbles insurance leaders

Insurance agents and executives have a lot to worry about as the fast-paced virtual economy takes hold. According to futurist Edie Weiner, they are right to be worried. She says there are a lot of unfamiliar risks ahead and given …

Washington’s Ethel Adams legislation takes effect

Legislation changing the uninsured motorist law in Washington that is named in honor of accident victim Ethel Adams has taken effect. Adams was injured in an automobile accident in 2005 when her car was hit during an intentional act of …

Risk mixing and matching with miscellaneous health care facilities

Someone once said “change is inevitable,” and in the health care arena that truism rings a bell. It wasn’t so long ago that the only place a person would go for immediate treatment was the emergency room of their local …

Appeals Court rejects market-value loss claim

A man who wrecked his new truck is not entitled to payment from his insurance company for the resulting loss of market value, the New Mexico Court of Appeals ruled. In the first ruling in New Mexico on the issue, …

Michigan helmet repeal legislation nixed by governor

Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed a bill on June 23 that would have repealed the state of Michigan’s 37-year-old mandatory helmet law. The proposed law change pitted safety and insurance organizations against the major motorcycle group in the state in …

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