
Property insurance rate hikes in store for La.

Louisiana regulators in late May approved property insurance rate hikes of 16 percent to 51 percent for three small companies, with larger increases for homeowners along the coast. The Louisiana Insurance Rating Commission on May 24, 2007, approved a 16 …

Consumer group blocks settlement against Mercury Insurance

A proposed settlement of a class action lawsuit against an insurance company for tens of millions of dollars in illegal overcharges was rejected by the Los Angeles Superior Court, in part because it would have allowed the company to pay …

Texas AG cracks down on lender for ID theft exposure

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says Ohio-based CNG Financial Corporation and subsidiaries Check ‘n Go of Texas Inc. and Southwestern & Pacific Specialty Finance Inc. have been systematically exposing their customers to the risk of identity theft. The AG’s office …

Critics: Wyoming medical review panels aren’t lowering premiums

Critics of panels that review medical malpractice cases in Wyoming say the oversight has not lowered the cost of medical malpractice insurance. Voters in 2004 amended the state constitution to allow the Legislature to resurrect the panels, which had been …

Hurricane forecasters agree: busy season ahead

Weather forecasters differ somewhat in their methodologies and numbers but appear to agree on one matter: the 2007 hurricane season looks to be a busy one along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. They predict that anywhere from seven to 10 …

Insurers oppose Nevada bill that would open court records

Judges and an insurance trade association stated that they’re opposed to a bill that would restrict Nevada judges’ ability to seal court records, raising questions about its lack of privacy protections. Chief Clark County District Judge Kathy Hardcastle told the …

Republic CEO: P/C mergers and acquisitions likely to ‘skyrocket’

The statutory surplus for property and casualty insurers is at a record $488 billion, according to the CEO of one Dallas-based regional carrier, and they are going to be looking for somewhere to put that cash to work. Mergers and …

‘Broken lawsuit system’ hurts small business, dampens the spirit of entrepreneurship, study claims

The tort system in the United States cost small businesses $98 billion in 2005, with the fear of lawsuits altering the way the small business owners make decisions, according to studies released at a Congressional hearing by the U.S. Chamber …

La. sees rate decreases in workers’ comp filings

Workers’ compensation insurance rates are decreasing in Louisiana, according to Commis-sioner of Insurance Jim Donelon. Donelon attributes the positive change to a significant drop in loss costs for insurers. According to the Louisiana Department of Insurance workers’ comp carriers in …

Survey: 75% of consumers satisfied with insurance agents; personalized service

Three-quarters of consumers are very satisfied with the service provided by their insurance agents and remain committed to working with them in the future, according to a new survey of 1,000 American consumers commissioned by IBM. U.S. consumers want personalized …

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