
Florida system rates homes’ wind resistance

Florida officials have developed a system to rate homes on their ability to withstand wind damage. The rating system — created in response to recent legislation and named the Home Structure Rating System — scores homes on a scale of …

A single security breach can trigger multiple coverages

Security breaches are becoming more frequent as businesses increasingly rely on technology to store and transfer assets and sensitive information. With each security breach, there is the risk that a lawsuit or regulatory action could damage a company’s reputation and …

Ala. teachers may join state liability plan

Several Alabama teachers testified in support of Gov. Bob Riley’s “Teacher Protection Act” recently when a Senate committee held a public hearing on the bill. The Teacher Protection Act would provide teachers with professional liability insurance. This insurance would provide …

Ill. insurer, Hortica, alerts public to data loss

Florists’ Mutual Insurance Company (Hortica), an Illinois-based provider of employee benefits and insurance to companies in the horticultural industry, reported that a locked shipping case containing magnetic backup tapes cannot be located. Hortica believes that the backup tapes contained personal …

Virginia bartenders test drive anti-DUI program

The men and women who usually have a sympathetic ear for customers will be on extra alert for drinkers who drive. The nonprofit Foundation For Alcohol Responsibility has selected Harrisonburg, Va., and its bartenders, as the first to test what …

Florida officials: Education, job rating ‘unintentionally’ harms minorities

A Florida report on the use of occupation and education in underwriting and rating auto insurance asserts that while the practices “unintentionally harm minorities and low-income individuals,” they are nonetheless legal. “Let me be perfectly clear — this practice is …

State Auto completes purchase of Beacon Insurance Group in Texas

Ohio-based State Automobile Mutual Insurance Co. has completed the purchase of the Beacon Insurance Group of Wichita Falls, Texas. With the acquisition, Texas becomes State Auto’s 29th state of operation, according to a recent company statement. Beacon writes approximately $50 …

Big awards unlikely for pet owner

Pet owners are not likely to get much compensation if they individually sue pet food-maker Menu Foods over the death of a dog or cat, although they might fare better if they joined in a class action suit, experts say. …

Ga. court cites ‘continuous employment’ in workers’ comp award

In approving workers’ compensation benefits for the family of deceased Florida resident Howard King, the Georgia Supreme Court cited a doctrine of “continuous employment” in its 4-3 decision, voiding two previous rulings. The State Board of Workers’ Compensation affirmed the …

Small London company uses computer archive to help find stolen art

The request was simple enough: Lloyd’s underwriters had been approached to insure the movement of seven paintings, including one by Cezanne, from Russia to London for valuation and sale. So Lloyd’s contacted the Art Loss Register, a small private company …

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