
National company dumps jockey insurance in Montana

A national company that arranged insurance for race jockeys in Montana this year has dropped all four of the state’s race tracks for 2007, leaving the tracks scrambling to find another insurance provider. The Montana tracks were among 19 tracks …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

Conn. pursues loss mitigation, market alternatives for coastal homes

Home insurers in Connecticut may no longer require permanently installed storm shutters as a condition for writing or renewing policies but must offer consumer choices of loss mitigation controls and deductibles, according to a report on coastal insurance issued by …


Economic windfall “It could be an economic windfall for the entire region. It’s something I think will have major ramifications in terms of resource distribution.” Darrell West, a political science professor at Brown University in Rhode Island, commenting on Democrats …


“I have to ask you to trust me based on 26 years of service not based on 18, 19 months of rumor.” — Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson, who was unable in the Nov. 7 election to overcome allegations in an …

Power shift in the political landscape

Although it took a little time for all the votes to be counted, the 2006 midterm elections saw a wave of Democratic candidates wrest control of both houses of Congress, gain a majority of the governorships and take control of …

Improving efficiency and valuation through automation and outsourcing

Revenue growth, the quality of a book of business, the caliber of producers, strategic drivers and the overall level of client service — these are the typical considerations that affect an agency’s profitability and valuation. But one of the most …

It Figures

21 The number of health insurers fined by the New York State Insurance Department with a total of $310,300 for violations of New York’s Prompt Pay Law, which requires health insurers and HMOs to pay undisputed health insurance claims within …

It Figures

$56 Million The amount returned to Texas insurance consumers over the past year as a result of actions by the Texas Department of Insurance’s Consumer Protec-tion Division, a record amount for the agency. The money came from premium refunds and …

Alaska, Idaho could face new insurance regulators

The insurance commissioner posts in Alaska and Idaho are likely to change, following November’s mid-term elections. In Idaho, U.S. Rep Butch Otter, R, defeated opponent, newspaper publisher Jerry Brady, in the race for governor of the state, as expected. When …

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