

HPE Gender Suit “HPE is committed to ensuring we compensate our employees fairly, and we take any concerns raised by our employees seriously and investigate them fully. We dispute these claims and will vigorously make our case in court.” — …


Needless Catastrophe “The lack of effective safety management at this well resulted in a needless catastrophe.” — Kristen Kulinowski, interim executive of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board, comments after the release of a report on the board’s investigation into an …


Poor Compliance Record “Valero’s Port Arthur refinery has a poor compliance record even when compared to other Texas oil refineries, spewing out millions of pounds of dangerous pollution into surrounding neighborhoods.” – Luke Metzger, executive director of Environment Texas, regarding …


At Wits End “We are at our wits end … We are totally unprotected.” Mayor Rick Eberlin, mayor of Grafton, Ill., situated on the Mississippi River 40 miles north of St. Louis, said as the river’s rising waters were closing …


Increased Limits “While we wanted to increase the speed limit on our turnpikes and state highways, we also worked to ensure the safety of Oklahoma drivers. … We will use traffic and engineering studies that take into consideration things such …


Disaster Insurance “Allowing the state to invest in an insurance policy will provide predictability and limit taxpayers’ risk of increasing disaster costs.” –California state Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, said legislation that he introduced could lead the state to consider buying …


‘About Damn Time’ “Today’s action to finally allow smokable medical marijuana brings four words to the lips of people across our state: It’s about damn time. It’s long past due that the state of Florida honored the will of the …


Medical Cannabis “There is incredible medicinal value associated with cannabis.” — Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, on supporting the legalization of medical marijuana in the state. After losing a nephew to a hard battle with cancer, Bevin said he would sign …


Nevada Seatbelts “Whether folks want to or not, it’s currently a secondary law in Nevada.” — Nevada Department of Public Safety spokesman Andrew Bennett believes seatbelts should be a primary law in the state. New data shows 331 people died …


Finding Flood Solutions “How do we make water our friend? How do we accommodate it? How do we use it? We can’t fight it. It is with us forever.” — South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster asked the questions that the …

Declarations Archives by Month