

Wakeup Call “The Equifax breach was a wakeup call, and with this action, New York is raising the bar for consumer protections that we hope will be replicated across the nation.” — New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who directed the …


Campus Guns “College campuses as gun-free zones present an environment where murderers, rapists and other criminals may commit crimes without fear of being harmed by their victims.” — An NRA lobbyist who supported a new Tennessee law to allow state …


Campus Guns “College campuses as gun-free zones present an environment where murderers, rapists and other criminals may commit crimes without fear of being harmed by their victims.” — An NRA lobbyist who supported a new Tennessee law to allow state …


TVA Coal Ash Ruling “While the decision to build the Ash Pond Complex is in the past, the consequences of that decision continue today, and it now falls on the Court to address them.” — U.S. District Judge Waverly Crenshaw …


Egregious Fallony “The Fallons’ alleged theft from injured workers is particularly egregious. By stealing from injured workers who depend on the funds for future care, the Fallons may have left many victims without the resources they need for medical treatment.” …


Reasonable Doubt “Because of this intervening weather event, the state is unable to prove the criminal responsibility of the two juveniles beyond a reasonable doubt for the devastation that occurred outside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” — Tennessee District …


Drugs, Risks, Lies “They used bogus front organizations and fake research; they used fraudulent advertising and deceptive trade practices. … And they repeatedly lied about the true risks of the drugs.” — Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, after filing a …


Wells Fargo Flap “Instead of allowing victims to have their day in court and permit an independent judge or jury to arrive at a verdict following an open and fair trial, Wells Fargo wrongly pushed customers seeking justice into forced …


No Place to Go “When your house comes apart like that, there’s no place to go. I thought this is it.” — Mark Tyson, a resident of the Prairie Lake Estate Mobile Park near Chetek, Wis., which was levelled by …


Neither Applaud nor Condemn “The legislature’s policies, so long as they are constitutional, are beyond our purview … We neither applaud the wisdom of such choices nor condemn their folly. We simply assess their legality.” — Indiana Supreme Court Justice …

Declarations Archives by Month