

Criminal Defense “You can’t fire somebody because they refused to commit a crime for you.” — Mary Schultz, the attorney for Gregg Becker, successfully argued in court that the former chief financial officer of a chain of medical clinics in …


Popeyes Lawsuit “I continue to believe that the facts demonstrate an unsafe condition to the public that could easily be solved by the responsible parties at very little cost.” — Attorney Paul Newton Jr. of Gulfport, Miss., comments on a …


Driver’s License Smear “This is just an ill-informed and incorrect attempt to smear the governor’s initiative to end the dangerous practice of issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.” —Ben Cloutier, a spokesman for New Mexico’s Taxation and Revenue Department, slammed …


Cyber Disaster Management “You need to think of [cybersecurity] like disaster management – similar to your plan for an event like Hurricane Katrina – where everybody is on the same page.” — Cari Toneck, chief compliance and risk officer at …


No Human Zone “This proposal is not for the timid as initially it will be highly controversial because of natural skepticism about the likelihood and timing of autonomous vehicles and failure to recognize the benefits.” —A proposal from some tech …


Insurance-Free Practice “Ninety-nine percent of other doctors said, ‘I don’t blame you.’ … One hundred percent said, ‘You are crazy.”‘ — Dr. Todd Johnson of Lincoln, Neb., on the reaction of his colleagues to his opening the first membership-based, insurance-free …


Star Trek Tragedy “In spite of our unbelievable grief, we decided to come here to prevent other families from the same tragedy.” — Victor Yelchin, father of “Star Trek” movie actor Anton Yelchin, and his family sued Fiat Chrysler Automobiles …


Culture of Indifference “The federal government’s culture of indifference to worker safety at Hanford must end.” —Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson asked a federal court to order the U.S. Department of Energy to implement enhanced safety and vapor monitoring measures …


Fire Water “I think it’s important for people to realize that being able to light your tap water on fire in many cases is a natural occurrence.” —Owen Sherwood, lead author of a study that shows roughly 18 percent had …


Moped Safety “Literally, you can be stinking drunk on a moped and can’t be arrested.” —South Carolina State Sen. Greg Hembree, in response to the lack of regulation for mopeds. Gov. Nikki Haley vetoed a moped safety bill in June …

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