

Catastrophic coverage “A decrease in the already low penetration rate would reduce the number of Californians able to afford to rebuild after a devastating earthquake.” — The California Department of Insurance, warning that if higher earthquake claims limits were unavailable, …


Occupancy revoked “We can’t ignore the fact that the health and safety of the people who live there is in danger. … Conditions there are very dire.” — Frank Michel, a spokesman for Houston, Texas, Mayor Bill White, commenting on …


Bubble wrap “At what point are we going to wrap our children in Bubble Wrap and send them to school just because some kid might trip them on the playground?” Comments made by State Rep. Deb Peters, R-Hartford, in support …


Declarations Lidle claim “Quite frankly, there were no eyewitnesses that we’ve been able to find to determine who actually was flying that plane.” Stacy King, lawyer for the widow of New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle who is suing MetLife …


Bubble wrap “At what point are we going to wrap our children in Bubble Wrap and send them to school just because some kid might trip them on the playground?” Comments made by State Rep. Deb Peters, R-Hartford, in support …


Catastrophic coverage “A decrease in the already low penetration rate would reduce the number of Californians able to afford to rebuild after a devastating earthquake.” — The California Department of Insurance, warning that if higher earthquake claims limits were unavailable, …


Third denial “These lessons confirm the reasoning of my decisions on the plaintiff’s previous motions for class certification and inevitably lead me to the conclusion that there are as many differences between the ‘slab cases’ as there are similarities in …


Fed role “It is clear that the government has got to step in.” U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, supporting a national program to backup private hurricane and flood insurance markets. Sponged-off “It is …


Auto No Fault “This bill would benefit a small group of citizens and a large group of attorneys, while driving up the costs for many.” Rep. Fulton Sheen, a Republican from Plainwell commenting on a bill that would change who …


Mississippi freethinker “I have been a freethinker for a long time. I haven’t a clue why they did this.” Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale, who has run as a Democrat eight times in his political career, but who this year …

Declarations Archives by Month