

Motorcycle deaths “Almost nine percent of all U.S. traffic deaths are attributed to motorcycle riding. In 2004 more than 4,000 people were killed in motorcycle accidents – an 89 percent increase since 1997 – and more than 76,000 were injured.” …


A handful “It’s not hundreds of things that need to be done. It’s a handful of things.” Florida Governor Jeb Bush in encouraging homeowners to take advantage of a new $250 million state program that offers free hurricane-preparedness inspections and …


Inadequate words — The Louisiana Supreme Court, ruling that the one-year Hurricane Katrina and Rita claims extension period in Louisiana is legitimate and “both appropriate and reasonable in order to protect the rights of the citizens of Louisiana and their …


Wait and see “The LAAA is anxiously waiting to see whether the new limits on territorial weighting will result in suburban and rural drivers ‘subsidizing’ premiums of urban and inner city drivers, as some groups have claimed, or if drivers …


Dangerous rum “The burning rum stuck to her skin and continued to burn as she fell to the floor and tried to put herself out.” From a lawsuit filed by a Miami woman who alleges she was severely burned by …


‘Dumb driving’ fines “You crash, you pay … your insurance premium is probably going to go up, but what about the penalty being paid by 25,000 drivers who are sitting in traffic waiting for you to get your traffic cleared?” …


Return for credit “But we will be back.” Delaware Insurance Commissioner Matthew Denn on the state Legislature’s failure this session to pass his measure restricting the use of credit scores in insurance pricing. Title wave “New Yorkers have been paying …


N.J. pays premium Flood insurance is a particularly salient issue for my home state of New Jersey. Surrounded by the Delaware River to the west and the Hudson River and Atlantic Ocean to the east, New Jersey is especially prone …

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