Savvy salespeople can profit from the Internet

By | June 5, 2006

It’s a common misnomer that an increase in technology will lead to a decrease in the number of salespeople. While technology and the Internet can be a bad omen for low producers, the digital age is not the enemy of high producers. In fact, savvy salespeople can use the Internet to become even more successful and to gain job security.

The following are common ways salespeople can effectively use the Internet to turn what many consider a technological burden into a sales bonanza.

Sales support
An obvious use of the Internet is to provide 24-hour sales support, making available information that prospects and customers typically want to know. Prospects and customers don’t know everything there is to know about a salesperson’s company. They may have questions after speaking with the salesperson or want additional information about something that was said. They may want to read client comments or simply want to know more about the company.

Therefore, it is in the salesperson’s best interest to promote his or her company’s Web site as an ally, making sure prospects and customers know the Web address and the types of information available. Hopefully, the salesperson’s company Web site has thorough sections on products and services, applications, features and benefits, pricing, guarantees, company history, client lists and testimonials, news, and profiles.

One of the biggest benefits the Internet allows is immediate access to information. People buy emotionally and justify the purchase logically. A salesperson should reinforce the positive emotions. This can be done by referring prospects to the company Web site when they call to request information.

It typically takes one to four days for a prospect to receive printed information, but you will want to reinforce the positive interest(s) that prompted them to call until they receive your package. A Web site allows this and generally makes the prospect much more interested and focused on the printed material when it arrives.

Only a few years ago, the best a salesperson could hope for in identifying and gathering prospect data was an annual report or marketing brochure, or to search publications for information about the company. This is no longer the case.

Today vast stores of information can be accessed on the Internet. Company Web sites typically include historical background, press releases, financial reports, executive profiles and more. Internet search engines allow a salesperson to read articles and commentaries, as well as gather vital data on prospects before calling. Salespeople can learn as much as possible about prospects and watch their sales soar.

Competitive analysis
Prospecting is not limited to gathering information on prospective customers. Although a salesperson should never badmouth his or her competition, it is imperative to know the fundamental differences in products, services and support. Through the Web, a company can research the competition.

It is generally a good policy not to bring up the competition. However, there are times when prospects or customers will ask direct questions about how a salesperson’s product or service differs from the competition, or why they should use one product or service rather than the competitor’s. Again, never badmouth the competition, but don’t ignore the questions either.

Ignoring questions makes the salesperson appear incompetent. At worst, he or she will appear evasive or untrustworthy. In answering the questions, the salesperson should address the positive aspects of his or her products and services that differ from the positives of the competition. Remember, there can be two equally beneficial products or services that fill different needs.

Professional development
This is an exciting aspect of the Internet for sales professionals and offers hundreds of possibilities. Some of the most popular are:

  • Researching employment opportunities. At any given time, there are hundreds of thousands of sales and marketing positions posted on career search sites. Well-known sites include Career Mosaic, Monster Board and Online Career Center. Additionally, many companies post job openings on their Web sites.
  • Sales and marketing development articles and tools. Literally millions of articles exist on the Internet offering immediate “how to” advice. One of the largest is (Sales & Marketing Executives Web site), which offers 200,000-plus searchable articles, streaming audio and video of the world’s top marketing leaders discussing their latest strategies and ideas, as well as a searchable knowledge base. Salespeople also can subscribe to magazines online, having instant access to current and archived issues without the advertisement and delay in receiving the printed version.
  • News and discussion groups. Learning from others’ experiences is a highly effective way of developing professionally. Many discussion groups focus on general sales and marketing, closing, prospecting, complex selling, telemarketing, etc.

Customer communication preferences
It is no longer a given that most people want to communicate via the phone or mail. Particularly among high-tech companies, there is a strong shift toward e-mail as the communication medium of choice.

Embrace and use the Internet’s power and technology to maximize your sales potential and professionalism. In doing so, you will better serve your prospects and customers while securing a more profitable future for yourself.

Roy Chitwood is an author and consultant on sales and customer service. He is the former president and chairman of Sales & Marketing Executives International and is president of Max Sacks International in Seattle. Phone: (800) 488-4629. Web site: To subscribe to his free tip of the week, “You’re on Track,” e-mail contact

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