Re-Engineering Your Insurance Agency

By Laurie Zangwill-Infantino | June 1, 2009

Understanding the Importance of Search Engine Optimization

A couple times a year, I hear a clunk at my front door and I’m alerted by my barking dog that someone is there. I open the door to find my new Yellow Pages at my door step. I reach down, pick it up and go directly to my trash can.

How things have changed! Not so long gone I would have picked it up and replaced my old, worn out Yellow Pages with the new shiny version. Remember how we used to pull our Yellow Pages off our shelf to look up a business — like “insurance”—and there, in alphabetical order, were the names of the insurance agents in our area. Our eyes were drawn to the big ads — figuring they must be better than the others and perhaps we gave those a call.

Now, instead of “letting our fingers do the walking” through the Yellow Pages we are having our eyes do the browsing on the Web. Instead of looking for the big ads, we go for the first page the browser displays for what we are looking for. Just like with the big ads we figure those companies that pop up first must be the best. When we surf the Web, we want to find what we’re looking for on the first page, maybe the second or third if we like browsing.

Today, there is hardly a business that does not have a Web site. Many are just simple pages so the business has an online presence. Others have some component of e-business or e-commerce. We are accustomed to people telling us to go to their Web site to get the information we need. It is one thing if we are given an actual Web site address. It is entirely different if we are trying to find something or someone on the Web.

That’s the Big Problem

It is a major misconception that just by having a Web site that people will be able to find you or your business.

Not too long ago, I visited an insurance agency. He had called us because he recently had lost most of his clients to the downturned economy. All those tried and true customers that were his retirement package had vanished. He had to sell again — for the first time in a decade and needed to figure out how to do that. He told us he had a specialty insurance program, one that his agency had for years. I asked him if he had a Web site and he nodded yes. I then went to his computer and opened up a browser and typed in key words to see if the Web would recognize his agency as having such a program.

“Car Wash Insurance, California,” I wrote and looked at the first page, and on and on. After 20 pages I never once saw anything relating to his agency or program. He was surprised.

Yes, the agent had a Web site but no one was going to find it. His Webmaster had no SEO strategy and implementation in place for his business.

Understanding SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is the back room computer function of getting a business’ placement and recognition in the various search engines. Like a like a store without physical presence to attract customers (foot traffic) if a Web site has no SEO it can not attract virtual visitors.

So, how does your Web site get recognized? How can you compete with other businesses in your industry that are already at the top?

The answer lies in making sure your Web consultant is proficient in SEO and is able to get your Web site a PR Rating (Search Engine Point Rating). A Search Engine Point Rating is a value that the engines assign a site based on a number of factors, including how many links are pointing toward the site from other sites. This is where having placement in directories, e-zines, blogs, forums and reciprocal links makes all the difference.

At a time when insurance brokers and agents are re-engineering their operations and where dollars spent have to have an absolute cost benefit, finding an expert in SEO can make all the difference to future revenue. Competing online in rough economic times depends on Web presence and a well-thought out Web strategy. As we look to cost contain and re-engineer our agencies, don’t overlook your opportunity for the Web presences that gives you the cutting edge.

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