What Others Said: Reader Comments

March 18, 2019

Hang that laminated list on the wall in your office at your job, and your next job, and your next job…

I once worked in an agency where there was a broker who pre-stamped on every single Acord application “No known losses.” Fortunately, I didn’t work with him.

If your ethics are not tied to a moral rock like religion that you believe in, they are worthless. I took ethics in law school, as required. If you didn’t have a moral bedrock, taking that required ethics course was like a guide to all of the scams you could work as a lawyer.

Funny things brokers say when there is no competition from other brokers: “I will shop hard for you this year.” “Contingent commissions only account for 1% of the premium (heh heh, 10% of agency income).” “The incumbent carrier was the most competitive again.” “You shouldn’t shop your insurance every year.” “I have access to nearly every insurance company.”

Funny things brokers say to prospective accounts: “Access is only a starting point, relationships are what matter and my relationships with the most competitive insurers are the BEST!” “If you don’t shop, you leave money on the table.” “Our agency services are the best!”

Easiest place to reveal someone’s character is on the golf course in a competitive event. It doesn’t take long at our club to reveal the cheaters. Fortunately, there are not many.

If you bring a ‘straight shooter’ in from another industry to the insurance industry it can be very traumatic/shocking for them to discover how the new business numbers and retention percentages are actually met; it often has nothing to do with taking that gulp and asking for a sale, it has to do with fudging numbers. They don’t want nice people, they want people who make their numbers, no matter the cost. There really should be some disclosure to the unknowing!

Ethics should be something parents pass on to their children, no classes should be necessary, but alas we are human. Human nature likes to give sin different titles, but it’s all sin in the long run. If one cares about what God thinks of us he will probably be less prone to justifying dishonesty. The end doesn’t justify the means.

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Insurance Journal Magazine March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019
Insurance Journal Magazine

Manufacturing; Markets: Restaurants & Bars; Corporate Profiles – Spring Edition