
Agricultural Industry Looks to Dogs as the Next Crop Inspectors

Dogs specially trained by the federal government’s Agricultural Research Service scientists have proven to be the most efficient way to detect huanglongbing — also known as citrus greening — according to a paper published in the Proceedings of the National …

Why Comparing Drug Prices Drops Costs for Employers and Patients

A University of California at Berkeley study has found that a “reference pricing model” — comparing brand name and generic medications and adjusting co-pays to encourage patients to choose the lowest cost drugs — delivers “significant cost-savings that increase over …

Beyond Farming: Agritainment and Farm Liability Coverage

The business of operating a farm has evolved significantly in the past several years. It’s not just about planting, caring for, harvesting and selling crops. It’s often about other ways that the land can be used. It may be family-friendly …

Has Our Company Partnered with a Bad Recruiter?

The most popular “Ask the Insurance Recruiter” article in 2019 was July’s Partner or Pariah? 5 Hacks to Improve Your Experience Working with Recruiters. This was inspired by the negative reports I hear from insurance organizations about working with search …

Why Small Agencies Struggle to Hire New Producers

It’s hard to find a needle in a haystack, unless you know what you are looking for The very best agencies that are committed to hiring new producers, who have senior leaders dedicated to recruiting, a bevy of internal resources …

In Their Own Words

“I had heard of apprenticeship programs for individuals in the trades, but not for individuals in a corporate environment. I knew right away this was the right opportunity for me. … After the first week, I could see that the …

More than $3M Recovered for Arkansas Insurance Consumers in 2019

The Arkansas Insurance Department’s Consumer Services Division (CSD) recovered $3,005,606 for consumers in 2019, the department said. Recoveries are dollar amounts recovered in excess of the amounts initially offered by insurance companies. CSD closed 2,320 cases in 2019 while receiving …

Students ‘Excited’ About Insurance After Zurich’s Apprenticeship Summit, Counselor Says

Despite having established its earn-and-learn apprenticeship program in the United States several years ago, insurer Zurich North America for the first time hosted an Apprenticeship Week Summit for high school students last fall. With a goal of attracting 85 high …

4 Things Insurance Firms Can Do to Improve Efficiency, Data Use

Digital transformation is making it possible for the insurance industry to engage customers with personalized interactions that lead to products and services tailored to their individual insurance needs. Unfortunately, the industry isn’t exactly made up of a bunch of early …

Take a ‘Deep Dive’ Into the Nonprofit Sector: Nonprofits Treading Water as Market Hardens

The task of insuring nonprofit organizations is a complex one and agents, brokers, underwriters and carrier representatives say that in order to fully serve those entities that serve our communities in myriad ways, it’s vital to take the time to …

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