
20 Ways to Reinvigorate Your 2020 Recruiting

What grade do you give your agency’s 2019 hiring? If you think there’s room for improvement, my advice is not to expect that using the same old tricks. 2020 ushers in a great opportunity to test new, creative and edgy …

Technology Tools

Internet-of-Things (IoT) enabled technologies such as water leak and fire/heat detecting sensors are also useful and an area that has yet to reach its full potential, according Jack Volinski, senior vice president at Hartford Steam Boiler’s HSB Connected Technologies, responsible …

Washington Insurance Commissioner Orders Alaska Air Captive to Pay $2.5M

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has hit another big corporation’s captive insurer with a fine. Kreidler has been going after captives for owed taxes by fining them since last year, when he issued large fines to captives for Microsoft and …

A Different Direction

The Bulow Group (TBG) in Tinley Park, Illinois, has a motto: “When other agencies are all going in the same direction, we choose to go in a different direction.” To Mike Bulow, who with his brother, Tom Bulow, owns TBG, …

Group Behind California’s Data Privacy Law Wants Another One on the Ballot

The group behind California’s pending data privacy law is working to propose for the upcoming ballot a new law that would give consumers new data rights and place stricter obligations on companies. The group filed for an initiative with the …

Reimagining Corporate Culture to Engage Employees

Today’s work environments are vastly different from those of a couple decades ago. Open floor plans are the norm and physical doors are often reserved only for top executives and meeting spaces. Technology has made it possible for professionals to …

Exam Doesn’t Find Cause of California Dive Boat Fire

U.S. investigators who examined the burned-out wreckage of a scuba diving boat have not been able to determine what ignited a fire that killed 34 people off the California coast, a law enforcement official in late September, but two inquiries …

The Hotchkiss Way

Excellent client service, emphasis on fundamentals, culture of giving back, focus on employee well-being, sound financial management, and a bright prospect for the future. Those are just a few of the many positives the employees of Texas-based Hotchkiss Insurance cited …

Council Recommends $4B Plan to Safeguard Oregon from Wildfires

A task force created by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says climate change, overstocked forests and understaffed fire teams have placed Oregonians in extreme risk, necessitating a multi-billion-dollar program to safeguard the state from calamity. The council held its final meeting …

Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

There’s trouble facing businesses nationwide, including those in the insurance space, coming in the form of lawsuits on behalf of visually impaired individuals against the owners and operators of websites not optimized for screen-reader technology. No industry seems to be …

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