Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

Shark Proof – Revisited

In 2010, I wrote an article on shark proofing new clients for the Insurance Journal. Because of it’s popularity, this topic expanded into webinars, and 1/2 day seminars. I thought I should revisit and update the original article, so I …

25 Ways to Grow Your Independent Agency in 2013

As the calendar flips to 2013, growth-minded independents must decide how to build their agencies over the upcoming year. The options are endless, and they straddle both the physical and digital worlds. Here are 25 ideas for growth. There are …

Finding Superior Production Talent

Finding Superior Production Talent By David Connolly President iQ Consulting An excerpt from an interview with a successful agency owner DC: Historically, what has consistently been the biggest challenge you face as an agency owner? Owner: “In our infancy we …

8 Lessons to Learn from the Presidential Election

The 2012 presidential election is coming up quickly and the media is outputting endless stories, videos, Tweets and more about it. Pay attention to the ads and the action to pickup some lessons you can apply to your agency. Here …

A Guide to Obtaining Insurance Referrals

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in Insurance Journal’s Satire Issue, August 20, 2012. The content in this issue is not real and is not to be taken seriously. It’s supposed to be humorous. Seriously. Referrals are the ultimate sales …

8 Ways to Kick-Start Productivity When Sales Are Slow

There is never a slow time in insurance sales, at least in theory. Yet in practice, no producer is productive 100 percent of the time. Who is? But when the number drops below 75 percent, agents must use slow time …

Social Marketing for Agencies Is Never Free

Opening a Basic Social Media Account Is Free — The Rest Isn’t Most social media accounts are free of charge. You can open up Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Blogger accounts all without spending a dime. That’s what makes them …

Dramatize Your Agency’s Flood Insurance Promotions

Use ‘Flooded Photos’ to Creatively Market Flood Policies No matter what we mere humans do, nature does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. All we can do is pick up the pieces and rebuild from the devastation that she brings. …

Be a Casual Specialist Instead of a ‘Sell Everything’ Generalist

Six Informal Ways to Target Commercial Lines There are still plenty of generalist insurance agencies around. These overly polite offices consist of accommodating professionals who earn their living by generously quoting virtually every person and business that inquires about protection. …

The Word Strategy

Will Rogers said “it aint so much the things we know that get us in trouble, it’s the things we know that aint so.” Truer words have never been spoken about one of the most abused words in our vocabulary. …

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency Archives by Month