Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

Un-commoditizing Insurance

What makes you better or different than your competition? Ask every agent that question and you’ll get the same answer. I’m not kidding. Don’t believe it? I’ve worked with hundreds of agencies & brokers in North America. The first question …

Is It Time to Rename Your Agency?

Name Your Agency After What It Does Instead of Who Owns It What is in a name? If you ask Shakespeare’s Juliet, she’ll tell you “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But, …

Series: Natural laws as they apply to sales

The natural laws which rule our universe are explained through physics, mathematics, chemistry, and other disciplines. These include Einstein’s theory of relativity, Kepler’s laws on planetary motion, and Newton’s and laws on gravitation. There is another group of natural laws …

Don’t Let F.U.D. Extinguish Your Marketing Efforts

Overcome Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt in Agency Offices In a recession, it’s an easy decision to stop promoting your agency until the economy kicks back into gear. But is it the right one for your business? Marketing hibernation eliminates the …

Don’t Emulate How the Big Auto Insurers Sell

Market Auto Discounts Differently It’s pretty safe to say that money isn’t everything. Your health, happiness and, of course, golf are all more important. A lot more important, right? Well, maybe not if you glance at the pile of auto …

Lost Bid Surveys Reveal Reasons Behind No-Sales

Learn From Your Past Sales Mistakes There is always some type of reasoning behind why a hesitant commercial prospect won’t buy their policies from you. Maybe it’s one of those dating things, where the declining person says something like, “It’s …

8 Ways to Jump Start Listless Agencies in Today’s Economy

These are the worst worldwide economic times in recent memory. Slow retail and home sales, the horrific stock market, and tight credit, are adversely affecting everyone. But fortunately for our livelihoods, people and businesses need insurance for as long as …

Feature Non-Owner Producers in Agency Promotions

Whom does your marketing promote: the agency or the agent? Traditionally, property/casualty promotions focus on the office in general and not the individuals who actually sell the insurance. At first blush, this strategy seems solid. After all, producers are employees …

Establish an authentic small business department

The small business insurance market has grown in importance to agencies and companies alike. Yet, despite the favorable attention given to this profitable arena, too many agencies still treat small business as they always have, as an indistinguishable part of …

Creatively communicate with your carriers

There is more to good company relations than just putting an insurer’s plaque on your wall. Your agency must meet its agreed commitments, just as the carrier must meet its promises to you. The conduit for converting these mutual promises …

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency Archives by Month