Growing Your Property Casualty Agency

Fourteen Punny Ways to Get Your Insurance Mailings Noticed

Insurance sales promotions aren’t for the bashful. Agents must relentlessly try fresh marketing approaches while simultaneously working to improve on any past successes. Meanwhile, there are new and exciting electronic technologies competing for the prospect’s attention. These include individualized cell …

Where to Find Inexperienced Agency Producers

Believe it or not, every four-year graduate doesn’t want to jump from academics into insurance sales. Usually the student has to be sold on our industry. Is it wiser to grow by hiring a veteran agent or is it better …

By Alan Shulman

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency Nine fears that can cause you to lose a young producer Today’s younger producers seek more power. Since they can’t control the market changes swirling around them, many demand more influence within the agencies where …

Why Client Complaints Are a Good Thing

Insurance is frequently a complicated product to buy as well as to use. So, it’s not exactly shocking when a prospect or an insured complains. These events are a permanent part of the insurance reality. The complaints are irritating and …

Grow Small Commercial Accounts with a “Producer-Free Zone”

There are myriad reasons and methods for restructuring your agency. In my June 7, 2004, column I suggested completely eliminating your personal and commercial lines departments and replacing them with combined direct response and face-to-face sales teams. This column suggests …

Reduce Your Costs by Sharing Expenses with Competitors

There are multiple ways to grow your agency’s bottom line. The most exciting way is, of course, to sell more policies. You logically devote most of your energies to this essential activity because it’s the best way to build your …

Prototype Marketing Helps to Assure Your Agency’s Future

It always seems like the other guys are growing quickly. How about you? As each day passes, agency consolidators add new offices, banks gain experience in selling and prospecting, and a new generation of propeller-heads are figuring out how to …

Stoke Sales by Restructuring Your Traditional Departments

Growing your agency means thinking outside of the walls. There is no compelling reason to divide a modern insurance office into personal, commercial and life departments anymore. These ancient walls were built years ago to organize your staff by the …

Make and Market Your Own Personal Package Program

Auto, home and small business policies are virtually identical, according to most of the people who buy them. It doesn’t take a huge investment in market research to learn this, just some time in the field. So, what can you …

Eleven Good Reasons to Reassign a Commercial Lines Account

In most offices, it’s easier to get a bone from a starving dog than it is to take a commercial account from an agency producer. That’s because the current producer is always the executive on a business account until he …

Growing Your Property Casualty Agency Archives by Month