The 12 Days of Christmas – Good Personnel Management

By and | December 17, 2018

On the first day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“Our growth was phenomenal this year, thanks to you.”

On the second day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“Everyone will get a percentage bonus based on their contribution.”

On the third day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“Our annual planning meeting will be held offsite at a beautiful resort.”

On the fourth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“I want each of you to bring to the meeting three things that could be done to make your job better and more efficient.”

On the fifth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“You sit in the desks and talk to the customers, so you really know what we need to do to make them happy and beat the competition.”

On the sixth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“The person with the best idea of improving the agency will get to bring their spouse and travel on the insurance company trip to Costa Rica with my wife and I.”

On the seventh day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“The service staff will start to get cross-sell bonuses by introducing new coverages to the client on their own (business interruption, umbrellas, cyber, etc.).”

On the eighth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“We have Joan’s retirement coming up in commercial lines, if the current staff can handle Joan’s load, you will each get an increase.”

On the ninth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“Any person who introduces a new hire that we need and approve of will get a $1,000 bonus.”

On the tenth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“I want you to know that I am not intending to sell this agency. I will work with the key people here to find a way to internally perpetuate.”

On the eleventh day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“We are implementing a new performance review form where you evaluate yourself and your goals and needs for working here. All management needs to do is read over your thoughts and add comments to help you get to where you want to go here.”

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the agency owner said to staff:

“I am so proud and respect this team. I want you to know we could not have the growth and prosperity of this agency without you.”

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Insurance Journal Magazine December 17, 2018
December 17, 2018
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