Idea Exchange

Best Tech Ways for Agents to Get the ‘Message’ Out

2018 has turned out to be the year of the text message. For agents, that reality presents a challenge that is both substantial and immediate. Today, there are dozens of vendors that offer chat capabilities. Web messaging has emerged as …

High Customer Expectations Leads to New Challenges for Insurance Satisfaction

Record high customer satisfaction among auto insurance customers is clearly good news for customers, especially at a time when their overall customer experience is being tested by the rising cost of auto insurance. For insurers, on the other hand, record …

What Is an NRRA Exempt Commercial Purchaser?

Some larger commercial insurance brokers appear to be uncertain about how the Exempt Commercial Purchaser (ECP) feature of the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010 (NRRA), part of the Dodd Frank Act, effective July 21, 2011, works. For sales …

How to Write Great Headlines, So Prospects Don’t Forget You

Renewal dates only come around once a year, but insurance problems can creep up on your prospect at any point. That’s why you need to become a marketer to support your prospecting activities and be there when they have a …

Attracting Gen Z: The Post-Millennial Talent Wave

Today’s insurance labor market is colored by the rapid graying of the workforce. The industry’s growing retirement rate and burgeoning skills and knowledge gap are creating a candidate-driven market. As many positions held by long-tenured professionals continue to go unfilled, …

How to Maximize Agency Productivity

Maximizing employee productivity has a direct impact on the bottom line. Managing workloads is something most managers or supervisors try to do. But it doesn’t really work to just shift accounts from one account manager to another. Perhaps there might …

Rebranding and Embracing Change to Thrive in the Future of Work

The wave of innovation has taken the insurance industry by storm, forever changing organizations, processes and people alike. Risk management telematics are calculating accurate policies for underwriters, big data is helping employees analyze customer feedback to improve services, and drones …

Constructive Tips for Reducing Equipment Losses at Jobsites

If you live in a city or nearby one and see new construction projects popping up at a rapid rate, you’re not alone. Cities throughout the United States are experiencing a boom in construction. Optimism is soaring to record levels …

It Took an Agency How Long to Hire a Commercial Lines Manager?

The old saying, “Our agency is constantly recruiting,” used to make firms sound very progressive. That barely cuts the mustard these days. Agencies must adopt a new philosophy: “We’re constantly talking to everyone.” Recruiting is worthless if you don’t talk …

5 Ways to Put Customers First and Ice the Cake with Insurtech

I was surprised to learn I was named one of the 50 most influential people in the United States/Western Europe for Insurtech. The fact that I was the only person, I believe, listed who makes their living on their own …

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