Idea Exchange

I Used to Walk to School and Home Uphill Both Ways

An interview was recently published in a major industry publication with a notable ex-CEO of a prominent insurance company. Throughout the article, the ex-CEO bemoaned how power and profit has shifted to brokers from companies. In some ways, the specific …

Don’t Let Time Run Out on Your Employer Clients

“Time is on my side. Yes it is.” — The Rolling Stones Time might be on Mick Jagger’s side. But if your client is an employer with 10 or more employees, then the question as to whether time is on …

Debunking the 3 Cyber Risk Myths for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Cyber losses at large companies make the headlines. Hacks at Target, Equifax, JP Morgan Chase, Sony, and Anthem are well-known. While certainly painful experiences for them and their customers, these events are not likely to put these firms out of …

7 Questions to Consider When Selling Flood Insurance

Any agent who has used the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in the past to deliver flood insurance to clients knows all too well that trying to simplify the complexities of flood insurance in the midst of program lapses, regulatory …

Why It’s Important to Find the Agency’s ‘Why’

A new book, “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek covered this topic and gave us inspiration for this article. “When you fill an organization with ‘good fits,’ those who believe what you believe; success just happens,” said Sinek. Sir Ernest …

The Technology Gap: Can Agents Keep Up?

As predicted in the last Tech Talk column, there is reason to cheer a bit about the findings of the just-released 2018 Insurance Digital Transformation Study. Clear progress has been made as agents work toward mastery of digital technology to …

Insurers Should Take Notice of Ohio Workers’ Comp Subrogation Ruling

The Ohio Supreme Court has held two insurers jointly and severally liable to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) for past, present and estimated future payments the BWC made under a workers’ compensation claim. In Bur. of Workers’ Comp. …

The Absolute Secret to Building a Great Sales Team

The difference between where your agency is today and where it will be in five years from now is in direct proportion to your ability to develop your sales team. That’s a mantra that I ask every one of my …

What If Tech Companies, Carriers Conspire to Denigrate Consumer Protections and Agency Value?

Here’s to ruffling feathers: Indeed, entities do exist in the insurance industry that do not look after their customers adequately. Carriers also exist that scrimp on claims, and some take shortcuts in underwriting, capitalization and accounting. One can complete an …

Three Ways Agencies Can Grow Their Book of Business

In today’s commoditized market, growing the business isn’t just a recommendation — expanding a roster of high-value clients is a necessity for all agencies. But where to start? First and foremost, agencies must establish the correct tools and strategies to …

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