Idea Exchange

Three Ways Agencies Can Grow Their Book of Business

In today’s commoditized market, growing the business isn’t just a recommendation — expanding a roster of high-value clients is a necessity for all agencies. But where to start? First and foremost, agencies must establish the correct tools and strategies to …

Fluid Work as a Retention and Engagement Game-Changer: The Jacobson Group

As young professionals play an increasingly important role within the workplace, forward-thinking companies are turning their attention toward attracting and retaining this critical talent. While healthy snacks, happy hours and ping pong tables are emerging as potential incentives, what really …

Surplus Lines: Insurtech and Technological Opportunities, Challenges

Over the last year or so, the insurance industry has seen technological advances driving new products and distribution means to market. We have seen “insurtech” blossom from a term to describe the intersection between disruptive technology and traditional insurance products …

Minding Your Business: How to Hire the Right People

A new book called “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek covered this topic and gave us inspiration for this article. In the book, Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher talked about how his hiring practices of not hiring “for skills [but …

The New Small Commercial: Why Carriers Need to Better Serve ‘Small Specialty’

The evolution of the small businesses is creating a service challenge for independent agents and an opportunity for carriers to provide efficient and effective solutions for their agent partners by expanding their service center capabilities. While there was a time …

Montrose and Horizontal or Vertical Exhaustion: Is the Long-Tail (Claim) Wagging the Dog?

The California Supreme Court will again intervene in the protracted saga of insurance litigation stemming from the bodily injury, property damage, and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act actions against Montrose Chemical Corporation of California, this time to consider …

The Wedge: What Motivates Salespeople

When Brett Favre was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame, he looked up at the sky and said: “Dad, I hope I made you proud.” Favre’s dad was a high school football coach. He was a hard man to …

The Competitive Advantage: Best Practices – Just Kidding!

Almost 30 years ago, I sat in a large carrier meeting, in an upscale hotel meeting room. The company had brought 20 or so people together from their offices around the country in multiple divisions to discuss “The Next Big …

The Key to Unlocking Creativity? Promoting an Innovative Culture

The insurance industry stands amid an increasingly fast-paced, ever-changing business world. Insurance companies are now face-to-face with constantly evolving marketplace conditions — including climate concerns, technology risks, compliance demands and globalization. Organizations that fail to keep up with today’s rapid …

Analytics and Automation Reshaping the HR Process

Advancements in technology are driving continued evolution throughout the insurance industry. From insurtech and telematics to artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization, the industry continues to face increased disruption across all areas and functions. Within the human resources segment, AI and …

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