Idea Exchange

Analytics and Automation Reshaping the HR Process

Advancements in technology are driving continued evolution throughout the insurance industry. From insurtech and telematics to artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization, the industry continues to face increased disruption across all areas and functions. Within the human resources segment, AI and …

Minding Your Business: Contingency Planning for Agency Owners

Most of us don’t want to think about what would happen to our businesses if we were not able to be there one day because of disability or death. Most owners that are key to the organizations know that their …

Are Agents Finally Taking Up the Digital Challenge?

When the results of the second Insurance Digital Transformation Survey ( are released in a few weeks, we should see improvement in how agents are adapting to digital technology – more agencies upgrading their websites, adding a client portal or …

The Wedge: Overcoming Fear in 18 Minutes or Less

Fear is the No. 1 killer of sales performance. There are a lot of salespeople that avoid making cold calls because of fear. They avoid asking clients for introductions. They avoid setting meaningful and powerful goals. They avoid asking their …

The Competitive Advantage: The Death of Underwriting and Underwriters

Underwriting is not dying. It is just being automated into digital algorithms versus analog human beings. Technology’s effect on life insurance underwriting is easiest to show by example. It is also further advanced in many ways. For example, what if …

Impact of New Tax Law on Agency Profitability

With the passing of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), there is quite a lot of talk about how it will impact businesses, what businesses are doing with any additional monies, as well as what happens to …

The Competitive Advantage: The Value of an Employee Handbook

Most small agencies, and quite a few middle-to-large agencies, lack a current employee handbook or at least one of quality. Honestly, day-to-day, an employee handbook really is not that important, especially with just a few employees. More importantly, employee handbooks …

Why Independent Agents Remain Alive and Well

When I began my career as a journalist covering the insurance industry back in 1981, many of my early stories reported on dire warnings in a series of studies and expert pronouncements predicting the imminent demise of the independent agent. …

The Wedge: Two Pains in Life

Have you ever laid in bed with the alarm going off and pushed the snooze button? You’re thinking: “Come on, just 15 more minutes.” A few minutes later, the alarm goes off again, and you either get up or push …

Minding Your Business: Making the Competition Irrelevant by Differentiation

As competition intensifies, agency owners have found it increasingly difficult to grow their business. Profit margins have shrunk, leaving many to turn to acquisition to sustain a high level of growth. This is known as a red ocean trap, where …

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