Idea Exchange

Tech Tips to Reach Millennials: Tech Talk

Independent agents are slowly accepting the fact that they need to reach out to millennials more effectively. Much of the generation that is now between the ages of 20-36 is entering its prime earning years and starting families and buying …

A Storm of Claims Likely Following 2017 Hurricane Season

The aftermath of this year’s hurricanes includes massive reconstruction across the impacted areas, which in turn creates an increased possibility for construction defect claims that would affect the liability insurance market. When Hurricane Harvey swept over large portions of Texas, …

When Hiring Seek the Help of a Bad Cop

I checked my email first thing this morning and got a resignation letter from someone on my team; a relatively new hire. She couldn’t put up with the ambiguity of working for a small entrepreneurial business. Having come from working …

Disaster Planning for Agencies: Minding Your Business

Northern California and specifically Sonoma and Napa Counties have experienced the worst wildfires in the history of California. Most of these fires began around Oct. 8, 2017, during night with extremely high winds, that knocked power lines out in hills …

Grapes of Wrath: Insurance Fallout from the Wine Country Wildfires

Now that this October’s wine country fires have been contained, the ravaged San Francisco Bay area countryside can begin the rebuilding process. The effects of the wildfires, however, will be further reaching than the communities directly touched by the flames. …

Can Cyber Open the Door to Attracting Talent?

No longer a long-range concern on the distant horizon, the talent crunch within the insurance industry is here. Despite years of warnings and research, insurance organizations face a perfect storm of labor market challenges, including an aging workforce, an impending …

The Competitive Advantage: Changes

With complete and all due respect to David Bowie’s song, “Changes,” it is time, if the reader wants to thrive in the future, to accept the wisdom of his lyric, “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Turn and face the strange.” The insurance world is …

The Modern Fraudster: How Courts Are Responding to Social Engineering Fraud

Circuit Courts to Clarify Coverage for Social Engineering Fraud The Second and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeals are poised in 2018 to clarify a thorny issue for policyholders and insurers alike: the availability of insurance coverage under commercial crime policies …

The Wedge: A Simple Concept that Changed How We Sell

Like you, I’ve been to dozens of sales training classes. I’ve read several hundred sales books. Most of them provide something of value, but occasionally there will be one nugget that will change everything. Here’s the nugget… pure gold. It …

Minding Your Business: 9 Ways to Change & Positively Influence Employees

Hiring quality people for an insurance agency has always been tricky. With a good economy, it becomes even more difficult. Employees favor meaningful work, trust and respect from the employer, and a sense of community over compensation and long-term employment. …

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