Idea Exchange

Minding Your Business: Key Deals Makers and Deal Breakers Today

Why are some transactions or “deals,” as they are called, most likely to happen or not happen? There are a number of factors that come into play, and those of us in the industry call them deal makers and deal …

The Competitive Advantage: The Lost Value Proposition of Independent Agencies

My brother recently asked for advice regarding his personal insurance. I recommended he contact an independent agent I know who represents three carriers who I know provide a good form, reasonable price, and good claims service that fit his needs …

How to Reduce Workers’ Comp Costs in a K-12 School Climate

The physical and emotional well-being of employees is of vital importance to the success of K-12 schools, but the challenge of keeping school staff safe from harm is becoming more and more complex. As a result of rising grievances, the …

Global Political Environment Puts Business Interruption Top of Mind

According to the Summer/Fall 2016 Edition of the Clements Worldwide Risk Index, business interruption is the leading cause of losses for companies, multinational organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that operate outside the U.S. Most business interruption is caused by property …

The Competitive Advantage: Insurance is Losing the Battle of Public Relations

Flooding in southern Louisiana in the late summer of 2016 revealed 86 percent of flooded homes had no flood insurance. No flood insurance next door to one of our nation’s — and that state’s — largest catastrophe, which involved a …

The Wedge: How to Beat Buyer Intimidation

Imagine it’s almost 2,000 years ago and you’re a peasant living in Italy. Your boss sends you into Rome to get some supplies. You saddle up your donkey and head into town. As you make your way through the city, …

Is Money the Key to Happiness? Not Anymore!

Does money truly buy happiness? Money does not equate to a happier life, according to economists. However, a number of organizations continue to remain focused on compensation as their sole engagement tool. While salary is certainly an important determining factor …

Minding Your Business: Trends to Exploit in 2017

It is a new era for our country, with President Donald Trump coming into power with the theme to “Make America Great Again.” Perhaps it is also the time to do the same for agency planning. Are there things in …

The Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Proper Accounting in Insurance Agencies

Independent insurance agencies’ accounting methods and contractual and legal requirements are unique, especially considering how lax enforcement is when all 50 states and the federal government have long-standing accounting rules that apply to 100 percent of all agencies. No exceptions …

Tech Talk: 2017 Marks the Digital Tipping Point

2017 will mark the tipping point in agents’ efforts to adapt to the digital marketplace. Agents are no longer talking about why they should become “digitally- savvy” but how best to do it. Agents are also concentrating most on two …

Idea Exchange Archives by Month