Idea Exchange

How Tech Can Turn the Tide of Flood Insurance

As residents of coastal Louisiana, New York and New Jersey have discovered, a house with a sea view can carry a serious and soggy downside. In terms of storms and their severity, a building’s location has never seemed more critical …

Insurer’s Refusal to Settle Can Lead to Bad Faith Liability

Did you know that that an insurer can be liable for bad faith failure to settle even if it never receives a firm settlement offer? The Louisiana Supreme Court recently ruled that it can and also that an insurer can …

Expanding Your Sales Portfolio? Give LTCI a Second Look

If you don’t offer your clients long term care insurance (LTCI), you may be missing out. This rapidly-evolving product is more attractive than ever. LTCI is more versatile than you may remember, thanks to recent product development innovations. The need …

Evaluate and Share Your Sales Successes and Failures

The “typical” P/C producer’s life is packed with sales drama. It features climactic successes and failures mixed in with routine yesses and noes. You can accept these ups and downs as business as usual or you can use sales history …

Insurance Company Stability

Many years ago, a well-known insurance company went from being highly rated to insolvent almost in a fortnight. Most people in the industry older than 50 years old remember that time. The failure was a shock that created lasting skepticism …

Retro-Theme Marketing, a Fun Approach to Motivation and Sales

Now that the new year has settled down into just “the year,” it’s a great time to inspire growth-driven agency action. But, touting what you offer the same way, year after year, can be downright dismal for everyone involved. Sure, …

Increasing Retentions: The Hidden Premium Increase

Is the market hardening? A Google search shows that most experts think it is, and it is nearly impossible to find a professional journal without an article discussing the topic. The premium increases that are being implemented indicate that a …

Franchise Opportunities

Can you name an industry that contributes $2 trillion to our country’s gross national product (GNP)? How about an industry that is the fastest-growing and represents one in every 12 businesses that exist today? Or how about an industry that …

Insurance Coverage for Discounting the Price of Goods for Sale?

Modern commercial general liability (CGL) policies provide coverage for personal and advertising injury. This type of coverage is discussed extensively in Practical Tools for Handling Insurance Cases, §§ 13.32-13:53 (Thomson Reuters 2011). One of the enumerated offenses for this type …

Sharkproof II: Retention through investment

Shark proof In part one of this series, we defined a shark as the kind of producer you don’t want anywhere near your clients. Sharks are experienced professionals who know the business, and are experts at breaking relationships. The 3 …

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