Idea Exchange

Insurance Agents, Adjusters Vulnerable to Lawsuits Even When They’re not to Blame

Agents and adjusters have completely different roles in the insurance industry. But as intermediaries between insurance companies and their customers they have one critical thing in common: They often get called into lawsuits over claims even though they’ve done nothing …

Corporate Governance Perspective: Current Bearings, Future Directions

Due to last summer’s enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, we are now in a watershed period of corporate governance reform. Processes now underway have transformed the relations between corporate boards and corporate shareholders. Even further changes lie ahead. These developments …

Guidelines to Limit an Agency’s Risks in Social Media

Social media has become a powerful way for members of the insurance community to communicate with clients, prospects, referral sources, underwriters and colleagues. However, improper usage can result in serious consequences. At our insurance agency, we have sought to mitigate …

Agents View Carrier Consistency of Product, Price Critical in Relationship

Nearly half of independent insurance agents and brokers believe it is most important to their carrier relationships that companies are consistent in product and pricing in the marketplace, a new study co-sponsored by Insurance Journal shows. That consistency is the …

How the Young Salesperson Beat the Veteran

The Sales Story of How I Bought My Cool New Car I just acquired a shiny new car. I bought it from a relatively young salesperson instead of from the veteran who sold me my last one. This column points …

Survey Shows Opportunity for Carriers to Support Agents in Social Media

The majority of agents and brokers say using social media is important for business, yet many report not using social media tools in their business today. Seven of 10 independent agents and brokers believe it is important that their agencies …

Never Have More Partners Than Fit in an Elevator

Never have more partners than you can fit in an elevator. That seems like a joke, but it’s serious advice when starting a business. Having too many partners creates conflicts. Even the most bonded of partnerships will fray under the …

Health Care Market’s Explosive Growth Offers Agents New Professional Liability Opportunities

The world of professional liability can be a foreign place for many agents and brokers alike. The policies vary from carrier to carrier so no universal form is used as the standard insuring agreement. Terminology such as: claims made, retro …

Agents Concerned on Perpetuation; Relatively Few Take Action

The majority of agents and brokers today worry about how to perpetuate their firm to future owners, yet few agency owners report having a perpetuation plan in place. New findings in the forthcoming survey “2011 Survey of Agent-Carrier Relationships,” by …

Series: Natural laws as they apply to sales

The natural laws which rule our universe are explained through physics, mathematics, chemistry, and other disciplines. These include Einstein’s theory of relativity, Kepler’s laws on planetary motion, and Newton’s and laws on gravitation. There is another group of natural laws …

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