Idea Exchange

Corporate Defaults, Bankruptcies and D&O Claims

Deteriorating economic conditions threaten a massive wave of corporate defaults. Corporate borrowers’ inability to fulfill debt obligations could prompt a bankruptcy filing surge and lead to lawsuits as creditors and shareholders seek to recoup their losses. These claims could present …

For Award Winning CSR, Going ‘Above and Beyond’ is Part of the Job

What does it take to deliver outstanding customer service? Kimberly J. Muesse, a senior account manager with the Lockton Companies in Houston, should know. She’s won a string of awards during her 25-plus years in the insurance industry, the most …

Medical Liability Policies Are Typically Claims-Made

Retroactive Period Serves to Limit Liability Period Medical malpractice liability insurance policies, like most professional liability policies, are typically “claims-made” policies. Claims-made policies generally provide coverage only for those claims that are made during the policy period notwithstanding when the …

Five Tips for Agents From a Part-Time CFO

Tax time isn’t the only time insurance agents need someone to look at their books. Business owners should be informed monthly of their tax liability. In fact, agencies can benefit from having someone offer week-to-week financial advice. Good financial management …

Increasing an Agency’s Sales Efficiency

Why Agencies Should Track Source to Sale There’s one question I consistently hear from agencies of all sizes: “Can you give me ideas to make my phone ring more often?” When I hear it, it tells me right away that …

Florida Governor’s Insurance ‘Plan’ Is Dangerous and Expensive

The Florida property insurance market today reminds me of the old cartoon with the insurance pitch: “Here’s a nice little policy with a real low premium if you promise never to have any claims.” When the insurer is unable to …

Increase Traffic to Your Internet ‘Real Estate’

Enhance Your Agency’s Online Visibility Through Search Engine Optimization Nearly half of the United States — more than 163 million people — are using the Internet, according to a recent Nielsen poll. And they are using search engines to research …

Securities Lawsuit Filings Are Up, So What About D&O Pricing?

The pace of securities lawsuit filings increased significantly in 2008 compared to recent years. There were 226 new securities lawsuits filed in 2008, which represents a 31 percent increase over the 172 securities lawsuits filed in 2007, and nearly a …

Shrinking Budgets Stem Fraud Fighting Efforts

Fewer Fraud Bills To Be Debated in West With the downtrodden economy rumbling through the West, momentous and game-changing fraud bills will be in short supply this year. Lawmakers’ time and patience will be soaked up by efforts to shore-up …

Operational Efficiency Should Be Priority No. 3 for Agency Managers

Managing an independent insurance agency in the current hard economy and soft market requires agents to set priorities. In the Jan. 28, 2009, issue of Insurance Journal, Juan Andrade, executive vice-president for sales and distribution at The Hartford, identified customer …

Idea Exchange Archives by Month