Idea Exchange

Good Training: Why Agencies Should Invest in People

Employees should have continual training. They should be trained in “conflict resolution, hospitality and emotional intelligence,” according to Richard Branson of Virgin Cos. Employees need to truly understand the customer’s perspective to resolve issues and not push the problems or …

The 8 Deadly Mistakes Killing Growth in Your Agency

The difference between where your agency is today and where it’ll be in five years is directly related to your ability to develop your sales team. If you can create a sales culture that helps your producers improve the way …

Embracing the Multi-Generational Workforce

As Generation Z enters the workforce, five generations are working side-by-side for the first time in history. Insurance organizations face the challenge of motivating and engaging individuals that span from Gen Z (born after 1997) to Traditionalists (born before 1945), …

How Errors & Omissions Lawsuits May Change

Artificial Intelligence and Private Equity Investments Will Play an Increasing Role Plaintiff attorneys, at least the smart ones, must make sales decisions, too. Whereas a smart producer will create a pipeline that filters prospects by probability of a sale, plaintiff …

Workers’ Comp and the Gig Economy: Status Quo Remains, for Now

The rise of an on-demand economy once threatened to put workers’ compensation insurers in the hot seat, in large part because the question of how the sector could, or should, cover these individuals remained uncertain. Today, insurers aren’t exactly rushing …

New Flood Insurance Rule from Bank Regulators a Win for Consumers, Agents and Brokers

If Implemented Wisely, Flood-Exposed Properties Could Benefit from Expanded Market While lawmakers continue their struggle to agree on the long-term reauthorization of the financially burdensome National Flood Insurance Program, federal lending regulators have concluded their own six-year struggle to issue …

8 Things to Consider When Buying or Selling an Insurance Agency

Insurance agency acquisitions and deal values are near an all-time high and all expectations are that deal flow in 2019 will match or exceed last year’s numbers. And while reported numbers tend to skew towards larger agency transactions there are …

Resolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes

Avoiding Claim Disputes Through Prevention In last month’s column, I enumerated seven factors that enable one to avoid or prevent claim disputes: (1) Having a good historical perspective of the industry; (2) Understanding and embracing two foundational industry premises; (3) …

In Their Own Words: Why Producers Change Jobs

Q: We have a zillion newbies and plenty 50-plus year old veteran producers. I’ve tried the out-of-industry route. Frankly, my agency isn’t good at training. I want experienced, ‘hit the ground running’ sales talent at other agencies. How do I …

A Guide to Moral Disengagement

How People Rationalize Bad Choices When a reward is tempting enough, people will break their own moral codes to gain the desired prize. Afterward, they’ll tell you exactly how they were justified: “It wasn’t as if anyone was harmed,” “I …

Idea Exchange Archives by Month