Idea Exchange

Catastrophes: There is no free lunch

Since the devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, some Florida politicians and a few insurers have claimed that the private insurance industry cannot pay for natural disaster losses without the support of a system of state and federal natural …

Catastrophes: The time to act is now

Two years have passed since America’s most shocking wake-up call regarding the devastation that follows the force and fury of Mother Nature. Since that time, a variety of legislative proposals have been offered at the state and national levels to …

The subprime mortgage mess and the professional liability market

The collapse of the subprime mortgage lending industry has dominated the headlines, led to turmoil in the credit and financial markets, and left the residential real estate marketplace in disarray. It has already generated waves of litigation, with the lawsuits …

Breathing a ‘sigh of relief’ after Lamar Homes decision

While I suspect that many folks in the insurance industry had a “dog in the fight” so to speak in regard to the outcome of Lamar Homes vs. Mid-Continent Casualty Co., I can tell you that I sure breathed a …

An “unholy alliance”

An analysis of the campaign to advance federal regulation of insurance As professional insurance agents, we might in a quirky way consider ourselves flattered that there are never-ending attempts to take our business away from us. If we weren’t so …

Broker stock prices vary big; 23 M&As posted in two-month period

Stock Prices: The range in stock prices for brokers has been dramatic. At one end of the spectrum, Marsh & McLennan (NYSE:MMC) is down 9 percent and at the other, Aon Corp. (NYSE:AOC) is up 14.2 percent year-to-date. Aon reported …

Ask 16-year olds for tips on growing your agency

Too often agency sales, marketing, and management concerns are solved solely by reviewing what other agents have done. This limited vision causes principals to miss out on lessons derived from non-insurance sources. Firms outside of the property/casualty industry deal with …

Partnerships with big brothers can be way to kickstart growth

But smaller firms looking for alliances with bigger firms must carefully assess risks of that strategy Scores of new alliances are born every day. One of the fastest, least capital-intensive ways for small to midsize companies to grow is to …

Are lower securities lawsuit filing levels temporary or permanent?

In early July, Stanford University Law School Class Action Clearinghouse and Cornerstone Research jointly issued their mid-year 2007 report on securities class action filings. The report confirmed that 2007 year-to-date filings remain at about the same levels as in 2006 …

Directors & Officers Liability

For years, environmental issues, including issues arising from global warming, have hovered on the periphery of concerns affecting directors’ and officers’ liability exposure. But an April 2, 2007, decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, together with a confluence of other …

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