Idea Exchange

Ins and Outs Of Contingent Business Interruption

The steady extension of supply chains over recent decades has exposed businesses to various risks resulting from temporary interruption. These types of interruptions to a supply chain can result in significant losses, even over the short term. While it’s natural …

Things to Consider When Charging Broker Fees

A broker fee is a fee in addition to premium and commission that is charged by retail and wholesale insurance brokers and that ultimately is paid by the insurance buyer. Such fees are subject to two overriding rules: (1) they …

Agency Merger & Acquisition Deals Hit All Time High, Again

The year of 2018 brought an all-time high of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity to the insurance industry. Consolidation of firms, both at a local level with M&A by independent agents and brokers, and acquisitions by larger, publicly-traded and privately-held …

From Barely Scraping By to Saving $65,000 a Year

Growing up in a small town in West Texas, I never thought it would be possible to be a millionaire. My family lived on a small 20-acre farm just north of Lubbock, Texas. Dad was a territory sales rep, selling …

How to Conduct an E&O Self Audit

Mistakes happen. After all, we are human. That is why insurance agencies have agency errors and omissions (E&O) coverage. Even with the support of E&O coverage, an E&O claim can take its toll on the people involved and the agency. …

Show Them the Money

To Win the War for Talent In today’s passive, candidate-driven market, employers do not have the upper hand in the recruitment process. Despite the rising rate of retirement among experienced professionals, which is forcing organizations to increase their hiring efforts, …

Cyber Attack, or Act of (Cyber) War?

How a Small Distinction Can Nullify Insurance Coverage In June 2017, the NotPetya virus crippled many large companies including Merck and Mondelez (the manufacturer of Nabisco, Cadbury, and Toblerone). The aggregated losses, including property damage, operational disruptions, and supply chain …

A Regulatory Sandbox for Insurtechs?

A Regulatory Sandbox is the title given to the concept that regular regulations should not apply to insurtech companies. The reasoning is that technology can provide a better consumer experience than traditional carriers and distributors, particularly if the insurtech company …

Taking a Page from the Insurtech Playbook

How Insurtechs Can Help Attract Millennial Talent to Agencies, Carriers The rules of the game are changing for companies wishing to attract top, young, qualified talent. Millennials, Generation Y, Gen Next, Boomerang Generation, or whatever label 20- and 30-years-olds receive, …

Agencies Promote Soft Benefits to Gain A Distinct Recruiting Advantage

It’s Part of Who We Are “When I first brought up some of these new ideas you would have thought I suggested we all go to the moon,” said Michelle Trueblood, chief human resources officer at The Horton Group. She …

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