Idea Exchange

What It Takes to Successfully Resolve Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes

While Understanding Why Some Claims Are Denied In the first column of this series, I provided an overview of what it takes to successfully resolve coverage and claims disputes without litigation. In the coming months, we will be examining each …

The Claims Talent Evolution

It should not be a surprise that drones fly over disaster areas for property inspection, and some insurers use chatbots to answer policyholders’ claims questions. Claims applications and supporting documents are shared within seconds, and real-time monitoring sensors alert people …


Q:Our agency is committed to providing a positive employee experience. We are dedicated to staying on top of the latest and greatest benefits. As a recruiter in the insurance industry, I want to pick your brain on what perks you …

How One Producer Went from a 2% to 11% Cold Calling Conversion Rate

Daniel reached for the phone, which felt like it was getting heavier with every dial. As he dialed the number, he told himself: “OK, 80 down and just 20 more to go. You can do this.” “Hello, Johnson & Smith …

How to Prevent Small Business Clients from Hitting Cyber Blind Spots

Ask 5 Key Questions to Help Identify Cyber Risk In an increasingly digital world, it’s important that small businesses don’t get left behind when fending off cyber threats. While a recent study by Forbes Insights and The Hanover shows that …

Strategies for Survival in an App-First World

The traveling salesperson has returned. Oh, they no longer carry around a suitcase with samples of what they are selling, and they no longer come a calling. No, we aren’t looking for Professor Harold Hill to get off the train, …

Industry Trends to Exploit for 2019

It is time to take out our crystal ball and plan for 2019 and how our insurance industry will be impacted by the trends around us. Those that consider these changes, and plan ahead, will usually be in a better …

Who Owns Your Data?

In a column last year on messaging, I talked about the value of a secure means for agents to text prospects, policyholders and insurers and the number of messaging apps and companies offering messaging services. Apps such as Facebook Messenger …

Once Upon a Time … Resolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes

An independent agent in a small rural town insured a farmer whose barn burned down. The agent had failed to schedule the farm structure, so the farm policy did not cover the total loss. The agent routinely placed farm business …

3 Female Agency Leaders on Opportunities in Insurance

I was so intrigued by McKinsey & Company’s “Women in the Workplace 2018” study that I decided to flip the script for my first column of 2019. From a simple question, “What are opportunities for women in the insurance industry?” …

Idea Exchange Archives by Month