Idea Exchange

The Rise of Risktech: How Startups Are Saving Lives and Property in Construction

Construction has a major problem: every year, construction sites suffer $11 billion in losses due to damage from fire and water, worker accidents, and theft. In addition, a fifth of all worker deaths in the U.S. – nearly 1,000 in …

The Next Generation: Students Speak Out on Technology Issues

It’s no secret that the workforce in the insurance industry is aging and 400,000 positions are projected to open up in the next two years. Insurers and agents alike have debated how best to attract the next generation, so I …

Expanded Duties: What an Insurance Professional Should Know Before Making Promises

The majority of states require an insurance professional to act with reasonable skill and ordinary diligence after agreeing to procure an insurance policy requested by a client. Usually, this duty imposed by the law stops upon delivery of the requested …

Expanded Duties: What an Insurance Professional Should Know Before Making Promises

The majority of states require an insurance professional to act with reasonable skill and ordinary diligence after agreeing to procure an insurance policy requested by a client. Usually, this duty imposed by the law stops upon delivery of the requested …

The Changing Risk and Liability Landscape: New Tech, New Loss Scenarios

Advancements in technology are changing the risk landscape irrevocably and driving potential big changes in liability, and other insurance, claims activity. The opportunities for business from new technologies such as autonomous machines, artificial intelligence, smart factories and digitalized supply chains …

Preparing to Sell the Agency

There seems to be an insatiable frenzy of agency acquisitions for many years now, with private equity firms and publicly traded brokers taking the lion’s share. These well-funded buyers are paying a premium well over what a local peer independent …

7 Critical Areas Directors and Officers Should Watch in 2019

Risk management involves looking around the corner to spot future threats. When it comes to director and officer liability, the question is this: What’s on the horizon for directors and officers in 2019? Here are seven critical areas of risk …

Where’s Waldo? Enticing Experienced Producers to Your Agency

Getting a picture of who that person is? I’ll never forget that interview experience. In a time such as this, with so much pressure to perpetuate Baby Boomers, I bet you would have hired the 26-year-old me in a second. …

If You Don’t Hate Your Sales Coach… Something Could be Wrong

Over the past 20 years, I’ve surveyed hundreds of high-performing athletes in all levels of sports including professional, college, high school and club sports. Not once have I found an athlete, including Heisman Trophy winners, Hall of Fame winners, Division …

Why It’s Important to Understand Your Carriers

I have been analyzing the insurance industry and individual insurers and agencies for a long time now. When I started analyzing the industry, I never imagined, and I have not met any industry veterans who could imagine, this industry having …

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