Idea Exchange


Q:My agency’s 2019 producer recruiting plans are under way and one thing is clear. We are definitely going to make substantial investments. In years past, we’ve relied on newbies and college grads to fill the ranks. We’ve sprinkled in some …

Expanded Duties: What an Insurance Professional Should Know Before Making Promises

The majority of states require an insurance professional to act with reasonable skill and ordinary diligence after agreeing to procure an insurance policy requested by a client. Usually, this duty imposed by the law stops upon delivery of the requested …

Insurtech: A Role Model of Innovative Talent Success

Several years ago, technology announced its intent to rock the insurance industry. Some dismissed the challenge and saw the rise of insurtech as a minor disrupter. But times have changed. Funding is pouring in for major companies with revolutionary ideas …

Time to Revisit Independent Contractor vs. Employed Producer Status

Insurance agencies across the country hire some or all producers as independent contractors instead of as employees. The mixed use of employees and independent contractors in insurance is common in other industries as well. The ramification of this hiring decision …

7 Red Flags to Spot Fraudulent Business Interruption Claims

Insurance is the safety net that protects individuals and companies in case of damage, theft, injury, illness or loss. Fire, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and freak accidents can quickly decimate a thriving business. When disaster strikes, business owners turn to their …

More Than a Manager: A Mentality to Ensure Enterprise Success

Today’s passive candidate-driven market requires insurance organizations to reevaluate the ways they manage their workforces. Impending mass retirements and a lack of emerging professionals joining the industry are making it increasingly difficult for employers to find the right candidates. A …

Q & A

Q:Unfortunately, I lost my job as a commercial account manager when my agency cut my position along with several others. I’m 60 days into my search and struggling to find a job. During interviews, when the reason why my job …

Hiring Stereotypes That Hurt Insurance Agencies

Agency Hiring Stereotypes: True or False Agencies don’t downsize their best account managers. False: Here’s a great example of what can happen in the industry. I worked with a commercial account manager who experienced this during their first 30 days …

Insurance Is the New Kale? Not So Fast

An industry publication recently published an article that said insurance is “the new kale” because the one-time ignored garnish today is sought after as a healthy must-have in the form of everything from salads to snacks. The suggestion is that …

Personal Injury Insurance Actions in Missouri and a New Definition of ‘Reasonable Value’

A change in a Missouri state statute has created a new, interpretable definition of reasonable value of medical care in personal injury litigation. Although the change was likely intended to provide more clarity, competing Missouri decisions interpreting the new statute …

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