It Figures

It Figures

$7.7 Billion Texas experienced $7.7 billion in insured losses during first three quarters of 2008, the Insurance Council of Texas reports. The figure is expected to top $10 billion by the end of the year. Texas leads all other states …

It Figures

$150 Billion Amount the U.S. government dramatically boosted its bailout of insurer American International Group Inc. to after an initial rescue plan failed to stabilize the company. Under the new plan, the U.S. Treasury will take a $40 billion equity …

It Figures

22% The percentage of agents responding to an Insurance Journal survey who said they have cut unnecessary spending in response to the current financial crisis. Another 22 percent have taken steps to communicate more with their customers. About 15 percent …

It Figures

6 The owner of a Little Rock, Ark., insurance company was sentenced to six years in prison on a federal fraud conviction, the Associated Press reported. Frank Whitbeck, was ordered to pay $3.8 million restitution and was fined $12,000. He …

It Figures

8.5% Decrease in the average property premium for the third quarter, according to a RIMS Benchmark Survey, an industry survey of policy renewal prices as reported by North American corporate risk managers. The survey indicated the average property premium fell …

It Figures

$205 Million The amount the state of Vermont has finally received in a lawsuit against accounts for an insurance company that went bankrupt a quarter century ago and left about 20,000 people in several states with outstanding claims. The announcement …

It Figures

$23 Million Iowa is set to receive another $23 million in federal money to repair flood damaged roads and bridges. The funds are part of $690 million being divided up among 28 states by the U.S. Department of Transportation for …

It Figures

$28 Million Settlement paid to the family of a Costa Rican woman killed when the ceiling of a Big Dig tunnel collapsed in Boston. The settlement was for the husband and three adult children of Milena Del Valle, who was …

It Figures

90 Percent Michigan says nine in 10 school buses passed safety inspections last school year. Ten percent failed the checks. Some could continue operating as long as defects were repaired within two months. Eight percent of the 17,220 buses checked …

It Figures

90 The percentage of Georgia nursing homes that violated federal standards for health and safety last year. The state was on par with the national average of 92 percent of nursing homes that had violations, according to the Department of …

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