It Figures

It Figures

$25 million Estimated amount in insured losses Air Worldwide Corp. predicts could result from the forest fire burning at Lake Tahoe. As of June 26, 2007, 220 homes were destroyed and about 1,000 people were forced to flee their neighborhoods …

It Figures

27 The number arrested by Florida officials in an ongoing investigation dubbed “Operation TGIF” because the group perpetrated staged accidents on Fridays. The staged accident ring billed auto insurers more than $300,000 in fraudulent Personal Injury Protection claims, according to …

It Figures

10 British weather forecasters, making their first public attempt to predict the Atlantic hurricane season, say it may be quieter than their American counterparts expect. It is most likely that 10 tropical storms will form from July to November, the …

It Figures

494 Smarter drivers and more aggressive policing were credited with cutting traffic deaths in Minnesota last year to their lowest level in 60 years. The Department of Public Safety said 494 people were killed on Minnesota roads last year, a …

It Figures

$440,000 The amount Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge Michael Joyce received in insurance money in 2002 for injuries he said he suffered in a car accident. The FBI and IRS are reportedly looking into the extent of Joyce’s injuries. Joyce’s lawyer …


$440,000 The amount Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge Michael Joyce received in insurance money in 2002 for injuries he said he suffered in a car accident. The FBI and IRS are reportedly looking into the extent of Joyce’s injuries. Joyce’s lawyer …


494 Smarter drivers and more aggressive policing were credited with cutting traffic deaths in Minnesota last year to their lowest level in 60 years. The Department of Public Safety said 494 people were killed on Minnesota roads last year, a …


27 The number arrested by Florida officials in an ongoing investigation dubbed “Operation TGIF” because the group perpetrated staged accidents on Fridays. The staged accident ring billed auto insurers more than $300,000 in fraudulent Personal Injury Protection claims, according to …


British weather forecasters, making their first public attempt to predict the Atlantic hurricane season, say it may be quieter than their American counterparts expect. It is most likely that 10 tropical storms will form from July to November, the British …

It Figures

$3,600 Maximum amount in monthly workers’ compensation benefits the Arizona Senate is proposing by 2009. The current benefits are capped at $2,400 per month. Industry and labor groups said the Senate was focused on a compromise cap for fear the …

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