It Figures


2012 The model year automobiles will be required to have anti-rollover technology. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration believes the new requirement will save thousands of lives annually. 14% Increase in the injury rate from 2004 to 2003 among children …


-16% The percentage that Beacon Mutual Insurance Co., Rhode Island’s dominant workers’ compensation insurer, plans to reduce rates on average. The company, which has roughly 14,500 policyholders, says it expects the rate reduction to save Rhode Island employers about $9 …


1 million Enrollment in insured HMO benefit plans declined again in 2005, dropping below 1 million, the lowest level since 1985. Premium revenue increases slowed and profitability for HMOs decreased from its peak in 2004. Part One of Minnesota Managed …


08/29/2006 The national day of remembrance for all the victims of Hurricane Katrina and those who gave of their time and energy to save lives and help rebuild. $57 billion The estimate of overall insured losses for damage to homes, …


95 The percent of homeowners insurance claims that have been settled in Louisiana and Mississippi one year after Hurricane Katrina, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The I.I.I. estimates that more than 993,000 homeowners insurance claims filed with non-government entities …


18.4% Percentage of unexplained drowning deaths among Asian children ages 17 and younger between 1999 and 2001 in Washington State, according to Children’s Hospital research. Asian children that age account for 6.9 percent of the state’s population. 80 micrograms Toxin …


$250,000 The minimum liability insurance limits required of home inspectors in West Virginia under a new law that also requires them to be certified by the State Fire Commission. The new law went into effect Aug. 1. $18 million The …


$22 million The market value of the 17-acre suburban Chicago home of jailed insurance executive Michael Segal, who was convicted of looting the trust fund of his company, Near North Insurance Brokerage. The court requires the sale of his home …


100 The number of federal lawmakers from both parties that asked the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to put a hold on the efforts of various U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart, to open banks. Federal bank regulators halted for six months any …


80 Attorneys for Pennsylvania-based Sheetz convenience stores and scores of customers sickened during a salmonella outbreak two years ago have settled more than 80 lawsuits in recent weeks and agreed to delay a filing deadline in hopes that dozens of …

It Figures Archives by Month