It Figures

It Figures

$3 Million Officials in North Dakota’s Cavalier County estimate nearly $3 million worth of damage in their county from last spring’s flooding. Cavalier County Highway Supervisor Terry Johnston says the damage is spread countywide. He said most of it involves …

It Figures

$4.2 Million The settlement reached by the Diocese of Savannah with Allan Ranta who alleged he was sexually molested by former priest Wayland Y. Brown between 1978 and 1983. The diocese said that the $4.24 million settlement brings to a …

It Figures

$1 Billion The Army Corps of Engineers is launching a $1 billion project to protect the suburban West Bank of New Orleans from devastating floods. Some critics say the project may have the potential dangerous consequence of encouraging more people …

It Figures

$1 Trillion Price tag for the healthcare bill that recently passed in the House of Representatives. The bill would set up exchanges where people could choose to purchase private plans or a government-run insurance option bitterly opposed by the insurance …

It Figures

$12.1 Million Cumulative amount of bonuses to be paid to several top executives at AIG, after U.S. pay czar Kenneth Feinberg signed off on the deal. The payments were promised in 2008 to get key employees to stay with AIG …

It Figures

7 Million Estimated number of Californians who simultaneously stopped, dropped to the ground and covered their heads during a state earthquake drill held on Oct. 15. The event, sponsored by State Farm Insurance, and the Insurance Brokers and Agents of …

It Figures

$504,900 Fine levied by the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration against an eastern Pennsylvania coal mine operator for a miner’s death. Robert Carey was killed on June 16, 2008, by falling debris inside Harmony Mine, near Mount Carmel. Safety …

It Figures

$14.7 Million The State of Ohio has been awarded a $14.7 million judgment against four defendants in a case involving a hazardous waste treatment facility that was not shut down properly. The Montgomery County Common Pleas Court found that Republic …

It Figures

$12.1 Million Cumulative amount of bonuses to be paid to several top executives at AIG, after U.S. pay czar Kenneth Feinberg signed off on the deal. The payments were promised in 2008 to get key employees to stay with AIG …

It Figures

$2 Million Verdict amount awarded to a Wal-Mart pharmacist who claimed she was fired by the retail chain after asking to be paid the same as her male colleagues. Cynthia Haddad was fired in 2004 after more than 10 years …

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